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2018-03-05 Update - Build 4D85FDA


Staff member
This is a quick, client-only release to roll out some fixes and improvements in preparation for a bigger release in the next week or so. No downtime was required, but you will need to refresh your browser window to get the latest version of the client.

Changes and Improvements
  • Adds new buttons for scrolling horizontally on the play tab for devices that can't display all the columns at once. The buttons will automatically scroll the next column fully into view.
    • Because you might not always want these visible, we've also added a small button to the right side of the app header bar (next to "Characters") that lets you toggle them on and off as needed. Note that you'll only see this option if your window/device is small enough to need it.
    • This isn't the last word on making the Play tab easier to get around. We've gotten a lot of feedback and suggestions, so rest assured we know where we can improve. This is an interim solution that was relatively easy to implement in the short-term. It should make things easier for most people while we work on some of the more complex adjustments for the future.
    • Note: Due to their not supporting a newer browser function, MS Edge and Safari's buttons will scroll instantly rather than smoothly (as Chrome and Firefox do). As Microsoft and Apple update their browsers, we'll revisit this.
    • Note: This change doesn't apply to phones. We want to make switching left and right a thing you can do on phones as well in the future, but this set of changes doesn't cover that.
    • Note: Right now there are only 3 columns, but there may be more in the future. This change should make that easier.
  • Adds a "show error details" link to error notifications. Clicking this link will pop up a window with valuable debugging information, as well as a "copy to clipboard" button for that info, and a link to the bug report form.
  • Changes input fields to do intelligent auto-saves while being edited, rather than requiring a click away to save

Bug Fixes
  • Fixes the ammo management window only showing controls to change battery charge quantity, instead of other types of ammo as well
  • Fixes the "stack with this" dropdown not displaying the quantity of items you're stacking with (which could be confusing if you had multiple stacks of identical items differentiated only by quantity).
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