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2.91 Release Mid-April '15 (Archaon End Times Book)


Well-known member
Release Notes: Be sure to print or remember your roster builds as many saved rosters will not work. You can of course re-create them, unless they were illegal builds and I finally caught them with rules validations.

• Archaon End Times Book.
• All Formations from End Times Book IV & V. However the ability to take them as allies is not functional yet.
• Several Forge World units have been added.
• Other minor bugfixes and improvements.

Please if you find a bug or text error please try and cite the error and provide a book page reference or in the case of FAQ errata, cite the army FAQ and so forth.

If you find a programming error, IE (Something does not work) give an example on how to recreate the glitch.

You can use either the auto-update feature or DL manually from dl.dropbox.com/s/do1anpxs11jkjn8/wf8_2.91.ab
Is there or will there be an option to create a roster using the 'unbound' roster creation rules listed in ET: Archaon? If nothing else, it'll do away with a validation error (which is admittedly a minor thing).
Is there or will there be an option to create a roster using the 'unbound' roster creation rules listed in ET: Archaon? If nothing else, it'll do away with a validation error (which is admittedly a minor thing).

Been working on some ideas to make it work, however nothing has really taken off as a drop dead concept but I will keep churning on it.