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Add uses to a tracked ability


Well-known member
I have a custom ability that is shown in the tracked resources list. I have it setup as a mechanic so that it gets added to every character using my user file.

I want to have the number of uses of this ability get adjusted if a character takes a feat or something similar.

So far, whenever i try to update the tracker (after verifying the feat is on the character) it tells me that it cannot find the tracker.

i was trying to do something like:
herofield[trkLALuckPts].value += 2
that macro works great.

is there one that lets you change the value before the slash (the uses vs the max)?
I was not finding a reference to that anywher.
Eh? Wouldn't that ordinarily be changed by the user clicking the little arrow next to the tracker on the In-Play tab?

I guess I'm not sure why you would need to script that.
yes, it would be. I am really bastardizing things to be honest. I have overrides in place for the Trait/flaw mechanic. You "earn" points by taking flaws. then spend the points on traits. I am using a tracker to keep track of the points gained/spent. Right now the user needs to have a positive number or zero. It will go negative if they have spent more points than they earned. but i thought it would be cleaner if it was 9/9 points spent.
It sounds like you should be creating an item in the Resource component, not tracker. Then you can record the changes to the maximum and the spending each as normal field values, not trying to hack the user-controlled "amount used" on a tracker to become a spending record.

And if you're overriding traits/flaws, why create a new thing? There's already a resource for trait selections - just overwrite the maximum there.
It sounds like you should be creating an item in the Resource component, not tracker.
ok. I will look at that. I had a thread looking for feedback on how to create the mechanism and recieved no responses, so this is the approach i took.

And if you're overriding traits/flaws, why create a new thing? There's already a resource for trait selections - just overwrite the maximum there.
If I am looking at this correctly, it looks like traits/flaws just use a number of selections per level - like you can get x number of choices. I am trying to implement a trade where they have different values.

Unless there is some other mechanism here I am unaware of?
It sounds like you should be creating an item in the Resource component, not tracker. Then you can record the changes to the maximum and the spending each as normal field values.

You say it is a Resource Type i should be creating - but i do not see that as one of the "tabs" in any of the sections of the editor.