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More magical items in D&D5e


New member

I don't know if there has been a question like mine before or if there's a related thread but as being relatively new in D&D5e for HeroLab I am currently looking for an opportunity to get more magic items in the HL tool.

Of course I installed the D&D5e community pack but even while this is a fantastic extension to what I already had, my group and I are missing "more" magical items in an amount we used to have e.g. in Pathfinder (of course adjusted to D&D5e).

But maybe there is an community driven extension. Does anybody know about such an extension?
Or are there other ways to get more magical items into D&D5e and my HL tool?

Thanks a lot in advance

Stay safe and healthy.

You can use the editor to add anything you want. With magic items, the easiest way is to "New (Copy)" something that already exists with similar powers and modify it.
If you’re looking for other magical items, that would come from 3rd party publisher books. The majority of those would require you to add them in yourself using the editor.
Thanks a lot for your answers.

I must admit I had the editor not in my mind :eek::eek:

But in these corona times I now have something to do getting all the stuff into HL. :D

Stay safe and healthy

I'll also add that I am happy to program any of the 5e items from the books in the last couple of years. I just don't have the time to rewrite the text to avoid copyright infringement.

If someone can do all the text, I can do the programming work pretty quickly.