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Old October 4th, 2017, 05:55 AM
I have run into two small issues that I need some assistance with. My efforts to streamline the races selectable between multiple "universes" or "sources" such as Ravenloft, Faerun, Core, Dragonlance etc., has mostly been going well, so far each of the sub-races I have created have worked as intended and even functioned played very nicely with the previous versions. Almost too nicely, I'm almost expecting the other shoe to drop at some point. However, I have run into a slight snag with two issues that have been brought to my attention by some folks who are helping me test this content.

1) Favored class options are not working correctly. In the case of the Elf, selecting DROW vs SUN or Dimernesti. They each have different favored class options. At the moment, I am using the Ethnicities to to select the different type of elf. But the favored class bonus doesn't seem to want to work. I was wondering if anyone out there might know of a way to force this to function properly.

2) I am trying to replace the FRCS Regions racial special and mechanic with one that simply says "Region" and gives the option for the user to select the regional trait based on what race it is bootstrapped to. Ultimately, I know how I want it to function, and could probably code this but I am not confident that it would be elegant, easy to understand and play nicely with other elements. I was hoping, I might be able to ask for some assistance with this.

I want REGION racial to be automatically bootstrapped unless it is manually added. I want to have the default selection of NONE. And only show selections appropriate for the BaseRace of the hero. If ADOPTED is selected I want it to override the choices and instead display ALL the options.

Finally, I want to create an adjustment script that will allow the user to add the REGION racial to the character if that is their choice and the system is borking up and not doing so.

One of the major problems is that there is more than 150 or so regional traits and it needs to bootstrap properly. The only way to do that is make a conditional bootstrap and I've never done that for something with as many choices. I'm slightly concerned how it would affect some users. Or even the functional limitation of the HL software.

Advice on this would also be appreciated.
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Old October 14th, 2017, 02:31 AM
Originally Posted by TobyFox2002 View Post
I have run into two small issues that I need some assistance with. My efforts to streamline the races selectable between multiple "universes" or "sources" such as Ravenloft, Faerun, Core, Dragonlance etc., has mostly been going well, so far each of the sub-races I have created have worked as intended and even functioned played very nicely with the previous versions. Almost too nicely, I'm almost expecting the other shoe to drop at some point. However, I have run into a slight snag with two issues that have been brought to my attention by some folks who are helping me test this content.

1) Favored class options are not working correctly. In the case of the Elf, selecting DROW vs SUN or Dimernesti. They each have different favored class options. At the moment, I am using the Ethnicities to to select the different type of elf. But the favored class bonus doesn't seem to want to work. I was wondering if anyone out there might know of a way to force this to function properly.

2) I am trying to replace the FRCS Regions racial special and mechanic with one that simply says "Region" and gives the option for the user to select the regional trait based on what race it is bootstrapped to. Ultimately, I know how I want it to function, and could probably code this but I am not confident that it would be elegant, easy to understand and play nicely with other elements. I was hoping, I might be able to ask for some assistance with this.

I want REGION racial to be automatically bootstrapped unless it is manually added. I want to have the default selection of NONE. And only show selections appropriate for the BaseRace of the hero. If ADOPTED is selected I want it to override the choices and instead display ALL the options.

Finally, I want to create an adjustment script that will allow the user to add the REGION racial to the character if that is their choice and the system is borking up and not doing so.

One of the major problems is that there is more than 150 or so regional traits and it needs to bootstrap properly. The only way to do that is make a conditional bootstrap and I've never done that for something with as many choices. I'm slightly concerned how it would affect some users. Or even the functional limitation of the HL software.

Advice on this would also be appreciated.
Hey Toby, I will try to help where I can.
For 1. My understanding is to bootstrap the FCs you want active for each Ethnicity to each Ethnicity, even if you have overlap there should not be any issues in doing so. That is the extent of my knowledge of the fact.

On 2. I am not sure what the FRCS things are so I won't be as helpful here, but it does sound like that pushing a disable tag to the FRCS regions and possibly the mechanic would allow you to build your side of the REGION and allow the same options to allow them to be disabled if need be. So a mechanic that checks to see what is enabled would then push the disable tag to where it needs to go.

Lastly the REGION bootstrapping needs to be on every race or subrace (your choice), but you need to add a conditional that looks for a custom tag that you can add to your sources, thus allowing you to tell the races/subraces which ones get the new racial.

Alas I do not know how all of this is coded so I have no code examples to give. I do know that the bootstrap conditions usually are First 50 to 500 and they need to look for your custom tag as active and perhaps a source check? Not sure how the source check would be coded, but the check for your tag is hero#Custom.Tag at the timings I mentioned earlier.

Forum link for my content work:
Pathfinder Thread
Forum link for SU 5e content work:
5e Steven Universe Thread
This link is for my group, but feel free to play it with:
DMM 5e | "https://www.dropbox.com/s/vsd9w1eodlnwjq0/updatesDMM.xml?dl=1" Copy this link to your update manager to get updates when available.
This adds the Pisky subrace to elves from Berserk! and additional subraces for the Gem Race.
Please post comments in the provided threads above.

Last edited by DeltaMasterMind; October 14th, 2017 at 02:33 AM.
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