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Old August 13th, 2017, 05:22 AM
Hi Together,

I know realm-works from a player perspective and certainly do enjoy it. In near future, I'd like to game-master a new pathfinder campaign.

And I'd like to use realm-works as well.

However, due to my job and my newborn, I've not the time to prepare the content. It's a huge effort to create the database of an adventure path like "Rise of the Runelords". It would take me days, which I simply do not have.

My questions:

Can I buy the Rise of the Runelord content for realm-works?
If not, are there any other pathfinder adventure paths for realm-works which I can use/buy?

Any help is appreciated, I'd really like to use realm-works as a helper but not able to prepare the content.

Thanks and regards from Austria,
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Old August 13th, 2017, 11:28 PM
Well... it kind of depends on when you need it.
The team at LWD is preparing the content market at the moment and when it goes live, you will be able to buy Rise of the Runelords from there. As far as I know, it will come ready-to-play with everything you need to run your game.

At the moment we expect the release of the content market shortly after GenCon, which is at the end of this week.
But you should be aware that the release of the content market has been postponed several times in the last year (or even longer?). So if you need it right away, then sorry, nope. But if you can wait a few weeks longer, it should hopefully work out.
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Old August 14th, 2017, 01:56 AM
Originally Posted by Merion View Post
Well... it kind of depends on when you need it.
The team at LWD is preparing the content market at the moment and when it goes live, you will be able to buy Rise of the Runelords from there. As far as I know, it will come ready-to-play with everything you need to run your game.
I wouldn't assume any of this.... While there was a "demo version of RotRL" LWD used Rob has said its that.. a demo... AND thee were several posts around this since the beginning of this year. It also depends on what they have agreed to with Paizo

Originally Posted by Merion View Post
At the moment we expect the release of the content market shortly after GenCon, which is at the end of this week.
But you should be aware that the release of the content market has been postponed several times in the last year (or even longer?). So if you need it right away, then sorry, nope. But if you can wait a few weeks longer, it should hopefully work out.
As you have pointed out... and as posted in many other threads. anytime a convention was "coming up" it has been suggested that there would be a release... but not all of those "forecasts were supplied by LWD either.. some were just "Hope"....

See post below and follow it back for more details... Thanks to Parody for his post the link is tied to. Lastly, this was in May 2017 when posted as well


While I don't utilize pathfinder or RotRL, I am attending several Realm Works seminars at the gencon and will field the question for the community. As well as asking Eric Mona of Paizo when I see him there.

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Last edited by Dark Lord Galen; August 14th, 2017 at 02:09 AM. Reason: spellcheck
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Old August 14th, 2017, 02:11 AM
I wouldn't bet any penny on any "close" time frame that LWD posts about the Content Market.
I don't know if we will still have waves from the CM anyway. I'd expected the waves was just because they did not have the specific content completely entered and ready by the time but this shouldn't be the case anymore, at least not for the initial content planned, which noone except LWD knows what it would have been, well maybe LWD didn't know either.
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Old August 14th, 2017, 02:26 AM
Well I'm not going to waste any more energy on deliverable timing... no point in preaching to the choir.... but as the thread eludes above, Rob made mention that RotRL would potentially be in the 2nd wave of releases following the start of the content market, but that was then, things change...

D&D> Pre 1e White Box Edition, 1e, 2e, 3.5 Currently, Set in the World of Greyhawk (The first, longest running and Best Campaign Setting)
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Old August 15th, 2017, 01:22 AM
RotRL should be in the second wave. The bulk of the recent delay was caused by getting the appropriate security in place for publisher's content to be safe, providing nothing goes horribly wrong you should see the Content Market shortly after Labor day and wave two won't be far behind.
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Old August 15th, 2017, 01:34 PM
Originally Posted by BJ View Post
RotRL should be in the second wave. The bulk of the recent delay was caused by getting the appropriate security in place for publisher's content to be safe, providing nothing goes horribly wrong you should see the Content Market shortly after Labor day and wave two won't be far behind.
Thanks for the good news! Realm works is definitely a fantastic tool and you are doing a great job.

Do you think that wave two is realistic this year (2017)?
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Old August 15th, 2017, 03:07 PM
Do we know what is gong to be in Wave 1 and in Wave 2?
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Old August 15th, 2017, 03:13 PM
Originally Posted by BJ View Post
RotRL should be in the second wave. The bulk of the recent delay was caused by getting the appropriate security in place for publisher's content to be safe, providing nothing goes horribly wrong you should see the Content Market shortly after Labor day and wave two won't be far behind.
Any idea which wave Giantslayer might fall into? As soon as it's available I plan to purchase a GM version and 5 player versions immediately after.

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Old August 15th, 2017, 04:11 PM
Originally Posted by Jay_NOLA View Post
Do we know what is gong to be in Wave 1 and in Wave 2?
Presumably wave 1 is the content they already announced. Emerald Spire, Razor Coast etc.

Wave 2 is anyone's guess beyond RotRL

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