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Dogs of War errors *post any new ones here*


Well-known member
There's still three DoW units missing: Dark Emmissary, Truthsayer and Fenbeasts.

I think 'Forbid RoR' button would be useful in the DoW list rules so you could easily make a pure DoW army, without RoR units (alike to 'forbid special characters' since that is what RoR practically are). It could also be mentioned in each unit's description whether it is DoW or RoR.

You could also rip off the trial magic items of Dogs of War from the 2.2 files. I think they were published in italian GW website or WD. Anyway, just remember to label their decriptions with a big *TRIAL RULES*.
1.16 crossbowman champ was missed for cost correction it is 10+5 should be 10+8. Also the Ogre kingdoms units that are allies are special choice in Dogs of War as per the Ogre kingdoms army book.
I have found an error concerning Al Muktar's Desert Dogs. The rules for them say "Al Muktar, Sheikh Ahmed Shufti, Ibn the Standard Bearer, a Horn Blower and two Riders cost a total of 245 points. This is the minimum size of unit you can hire.".

Al Muktar, the Sheikh, the Standard, the Musician plus two ordinary Riders. That's six guys, right? In other words another Rider (the Musician) should be added to the 245 pts unit in the AB Data File
Paymaster's BodyGuard Magic Standard error

If a unit of Paymaster's Bodyguard are taken and you add the standard bearer and then try to add a magic banner, it says "too many magic items"
I've look through the DOW list and can't find anything that says they cannot have a magic banner.

Ogre Kingdoms Maneaters should count as 1 special slot in a dogs of war army not 2 rare slots this is as per the Ogre Kingdoms army book. I have been just rewriting the overrides in the unit file to fix it for my dogs of war but this messes with the unit in other army's who need to pay the 2 rare slots. Any better Ideas to fix it?
Manflayers notes need to be moved around a little, print out makes it look like all the flayers get 3x shots and no comments about poison.
Alcatani Pikemen

just a little one. Alcatani pikemen on army builder come with shields. I dont think theyre supposed to. The "Chronicles 2004" listings has them with light armor, no shields just like no other pikemen have shields. Wish they could tho :?
hi kyle, could you email me the files you have changed so i can include them in the next data files? i would really appreciate it :~)


kdvance: who has great weapons and should have halberds???

i will fix the other problems, thx :)

According to the rule book, ANY Ogre unit labeled DOW is a special in a DOW army--Maneaters are still counted as Rare in the army builder--any fix for this?

I don't have the OK book in front of me, but I believe that Maneaters are one of the exceptions to that "any ogre" rule.
I just checked my Ogre rules book, and you are half right--in any other army, a maneater unit is 2 rares, but in a DOW army specifically they fall under the Special rule. (Pg. 67 of the ogre rule book)