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SWADE Updates


Well-known member
Really a question for Caped Crusader. I know you are busy with real work right now but thought I would throw this question out to you.

Besides new companions, Pathfinder, and SWADE fixes, have you been able to include updates to rules from Pinnacle?

I ask because I am the S GM and keeper of HeroLab for my group so I try to keep everything in sync with the Edition Updates. I think the latest release is dated 06/29/2023 [5.0].

I you aren't up to date with everything, let me know. I can always share my file with you when you get back to coding. My updates are current for Hindrances, Edges, and Arcane Powers.

It is a stand-alone file with just the Update Errata. I check for their released updates on a regular basis.