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B5:ACtA Bug List


Well-known member
I'll be keeping a list of Bugs reported for the current file in this thread...Please check here before reporting a bug in order to make sure it hasn't been reported yet...
If it has "fixed" after it I've already coded it into the next bug-fix release...
Thank you...

ACTA file 2.1
The Ka'Toc should be Skirmish for SFoS (Raid for Revised) fixed
The Sulust should be Raid for SFoS (Patrol for Revised) fixed
The Tashkat and Takata should be War fixed
The Tiraca should be Patrol for SFoS (Skirmish for Revised) fixed

ACTA File 2.2
Xill and Xorr changed to Raid and Skirmish respectively fixed
Allies invallidating when adding aux craft fixed

ACTA File 2.3
Fighters not appearing at proper values fixed
Hyperion Command variant weapons fixed
League of Non-aligned worlds:

No longer get +1 for every 5 fleet points

Brakier Tashkat & Takata (variant) are both War priority. These show as Battle in the League list.

Could ships that carry auxillary craft indicate their total complement?

Great stufF!! keep up the good work.
Russ: I've looked into giving you more lines for notes but unfortunately it's not possible under 3.1 however Colen has added it to the 3.2 release (whenever that's ready)...

As for Aux craft I'd rather not add another stat showing their compliment, however if you select them from the Ship Options they should appear at the max levels...They can then be adjusted to suit your needs (how many models you own)...I could set it up so that the aux craft option starts activated if you'd preffer?
Hi, I am encountering a couple of bugs whenever I attempt to add allies to a fleet. I am building an ISA fleet and want to include EA allies (ally actually), but no matter what ship I choose, if I select the aux craft option, I get a validation error that I can only spend 1 FAP on allies. Aux craft are considered a child unit of their ship, aren't they? I mean they don't take up FAPs as a main fleet item, why would they do so as allies?
I found some bugs in the EA files,

1: the Hyperion Command Cruiser has Plasma Cannons instead of the upgraded Heavy Lasers.

2: the Omega, Nova and Warlock have "0" flights of fighters when they are selected, i.e. the Starfury is "0" and can't be changed and the child selection of Thunderbolts is the same.

edit: add Shadow Omega to bug #2.

3: the Avenger has 6 flights of fighters while the Poseidon only has 5 !?!, shouldn't this be 8 and 16 respectively?
Ack! I thought I'd put out the fighter fix as soon as I found it...Anyway I'm about to uppload that fix as 2.2...it might not look like it's changed but fighters should be working...please let me know one way or the other (I'm starting a seperate thread for it)...

As for the Hyperion Command variant...uh, which version are you talking about? I just rechecked SFoS and there's no Plasma there...Thanks for the heads up...
maybe it's my version of the file. I just checked my rules selections and I have SFOS selected. When I select "command" variant Hyperion I get the following list of forward weapons:

Medium Plasma Cannons
Medium Pulse Cannons

It should read:

Heavy Laser Cannons
Medium Pulse Cannons
ok, figured out the problem with the Hyperion Command Varient, replaced the medium plasma cannon linkset w/ heavy lasers fore and aft as Per SFoS book, also fixed a typo which had the Command Omega's upgraded aft pulse cannons firing in the Starboard arc. I still haven't figured out the fix for the fighters, have you gotten anywhere with that Deathlynx? Anyway I have the edited file and will be adding it to the downloads here.
I uploaded a fixed version of 2.2...I didn't change much of anything which was why I didn't change the file # or make any notes in the AB login...I'll do that though so people know it's been changed...

Edit: Update fully posted...