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Old March 8th, 2014, 01:57 PM
wootersl - Thanks for sending that. I'm not sure what's going on, but you've given me an excellent example to work from. I'll take a look and thanks!!

Currently In Development: Savage Pathfinder, SWADE Fantasy Companion
Future Development: SWADE Super Powers Companion, SWADE Sci-Fi Companion
Currently Running: Savage Unity Inc. (homebrew multiverse theme)
Setting Files Supported: Deadlands: Reloaded, Flash Gordon, Gaslight, Hellfrost, Interface Zero 2.0, Seven Worlds, Slipstream, Solomon Kane
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Old March 29th, 2014, 03:14 PM
I am having the following problem with the Armory tab:

Character has sword and dagger or sword and shield, etc.
Checked boxes to equip the two weapons, unchecked box for "unarmed".
No validation error warnings.
Save portfolio.
Save PDF of Hero.
Re-open portfolio.
Validation error!?
The "unarmed" box is checked again, along with the other two weapons.

The problem was happening before v4.5.
The problem still occurs with v4.5.

Possible factors:
Imported characters from two other people's Hero Lab outputs into my portfolio (they are players and I am GM, and I want copies of all PC's on my laptop.)

I have Fantasy Companion, and at least one of the players did not. This caused slight problems with equipment because of variations between Core Rules and FC, but those were fixed by deleting gear and re-purchasing it.

Anyone else experiencing this? Any solutions? It's not a major problem, but it is frustrating.
I tried to search the forums before posting, but couldn't find anything. Please point me in the right direction if I missed it.

Thanks, Zarlor, for suggesting I move this to the 'bugs' thread.

Originally Posted by zarlor View Post
I can confirm that for some reason when loading a portfolio (at least with no other settings selected) it does, indeed, recheck the Unarmed Strike box. So I'd call it a bug and put it in the Savage Worlds Bug Reports thread.
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Old March 30th, 2014, 03:44 PM
When a user file has one or more "Replaces Thing ID" it creates errors when importing a creature or opponent from the stock files. I think the problem is that it does not look for a "Replaces Thing ID" while the rest of the program normally does.

Unless this could be fixed, the new Game Master Encounter Builder function is completely useless to me.

Evil wins because good rolls poorly .... or the players are not paying enough attention to the game.
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Old March 31st, 2014, 07:45 AM
Originally Posted by SeeleyOne View Post
When a user file has one or more "Replaces Thing ID" it creates errors when importing a creature or opponent from the stock files. I think the problem is that it does not look for a "Replaces Thing ID" while the rest of the program normally does.

Unless this could be fixed, the new Game Master Encounter Builder function is completely useless to me.
You should be seeing exactly the same behavior as you did when you imported from the "Import Stock Hero" dialog in the previous version of Hero Lab. What exactly are the error messages you're getting?
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Old March 31st, 2014, 04:27 PM
Yeah, I am getting the same naughty behavior. I just kept quiet until now.

The first slew of errors was "Attempt to access non-live pick" for the new version of the added thing, in this case a skill. I like to limit Novice characters to d8 in their skills, so I have the maximum rank increase as the rank increases. However, this required a replacement of the skills. I THINK the error is because it is trying to add the old skill and does not know where the new one is.

The second slew of errors was "Unexpected error occurred when adding pick X to container". Probably for the same reason.

I also have a slightly different version of the Parry trait, basing it off of an Evasion skill instead of Fighting. It will not calculate on imported people.

So, that is why I think that it is having trouble with looking at replaced ids.

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Old April 1st, 2014, 07:09 AM
Hmm - that sounds like a data file issue, rather than something specific to the encounter builder. Can you please email me the data files causing the problem, along with a saved portfolio demonstrating it, to colen@wolflair.com ? Thanks.
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Old April 1st, 2014, 08:26 PM
Originally Posted by Colen View Post
Hmm - that sounds like a data file issue, rather than something specific to the encounter builder. Can you please email me the data files causing the problem, along with a saved portfolio demonstrating it, to colen@wolflair.com ? Thanks.
I have figured out the problem, but not how to fix it (at least not automatically).

I have several mods that require a particular mod to be checked (sometimes for indirect reasons). I was about to send the email off, but then I tried something (I checked the source in the Configure Hero). Perhaps the to-do list could have where it adds the default settings to stock imports?

Evil wins because good rolls poorly .... or the players are not paying enough attention to the game.
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Old April 22nd, 2014, 08:02 PM
I'm not sure if this has been reported yet.

In the Space: 1889 file, the New Power, Power Points, and Rapid Recharge power edges are coming up unavailable even if you have the Weird Science AB.

I think the problem lies in the requirements for those edge being a little to specific! They all call for Arcane Background (Any) before they can be taken, and since the AB isn't called (Any), it's not reading that you have the requisite AB.
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Old April 23rd, 2014, 06:11 AM
Originally Posted by EricaOdd View Post
I'm not sure if this has been reported yet.

In the Space: 1889 file, the New Power, Power Points, and Rapid Recharge power edges are coming up unavailable even if you have the Weird Science AB.

I think the problem lies in the requirements for those edge being a little to specific! They all call for Arcane Background (Any) before they can be taken, and since the AB isn't called (Any), it's not reading that you have the requisite AB.
No, those use the following: hero.tagis[Edge.edgArc?] <> 0, so that edgArc? is just a wild car. As long as the arcane Background in question has a UniqueID that starts with edgArc it thinks it's good to go. However, the UniqueID of the Weird Science edge in the Space 1889 file is "edg89Weird", so Erich will just have to rename the Edge to soething like "edgArc89WS" or the like, is all. Since the data file was done by one of us users rather than LoneWolf directly you may want to send him a PM as well, just in case he isn't checking this thread.

Lenny Zimmermann
Metairie, LA, USA

Data files authored (please let me know if you see any issues with any of these if you have/use them):
Official (In the downloader)
50 Fathoms, Deadlands: Hell On Earth, Deadlands: Noir, East Texas University, Necessary Evil (requires Super Powers Companion), Pirates of the Spanish Main, Space 1889 (original file by Erich), Tour of Darkness, Weird War II, Weird Wars: Rome
Coming Eventually
Evernight (LWD has completed their review but I have some fixes to make first... although Pinnacle mentioned this might get an overhaul to SWADE so I may just wait for that first. If you just HAVE to have this now, though, just PM me)
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Old April 23rd, 2014, 07:17 AM
Thanks! I've sent him a PM.
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