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    - The Lone Wolf Development Team

Any update on Shadowrun 5 support?

In Late June you sent a newsletter that said:

Shadowrun 5 debuted at Origins this year, and we hope a number of you have been able to give it a whirl. As we’ve mentioned in the past, we're planning to support the new version of Shadowrun in Hero Lab. Unfortunately, we've been working through various licensing hurdles since then and can't officially get underway until that's all sorted out. We expect to get everything finalized in the upcoming weeks, after which we'll be diving into implementing all the new changes.

Despite the licensing delays, the groundwork is already in place to get the new version implemented as quickly as possible. We expect to have a release of the new game functionality in the fall. We’ll keep you updated on our progress in future versions of the newsletter and will let you know the projected release date as soon as we can.

I haven't read anything since and was wondering if we could get some sort of update on how the licensing issues are working out.

EDIT and I have been answered! On facebook they posted:

Hero Lab FB Page 08/30/13 said:
You have spoken and now we can answer! We are happy to announce that Lone Wolf Development, in collaboration with Catalyst Games, will be supporting Shadownrun 5 in Hero Lab. This was finalized recently, so our development team just got started on creating the files after returning from Gen Con. Because of the licensing delay, we expect to have Shadownrun 5 implemented by the end of 2013.

Because of some fundamental changes to the game system, Shadowrun 5 will be offered as a completely new game system for Hero Lab. We will continue to keep you updated on progress and will let you know if there are any changes to the projected release date.

thank you Wolf lair, nylanfs and everyone else who answered!
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They finalized licensing during GenCon and have started working on it.


Hero Lab FB Page 08/30/13 said:
You have spoken and now we can answer! We are happy to announce that Lone Wolf Development, in collaboration with Catalyst Games, will be supporting Shadownrun 5 in Hero Lab. This was finalized recently, so our development team just got started on creating the files after returning from Gen Con. Because of the licensing delay, we expect to have Shadownrun 5 implemented by the end of 2013.

Because of some fundamental changes to the game system, Shadowrun 5 will be offered as a completely new game system for Hero Lab. We will continue to keep you updated on progress and will let you know if there are any changes to the projected release date.
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Oh well. I was hoping for an update in the September Newsletter, but no luck. Hopefully things are still on track for this year.
Hey Shadowrun 5 fans! Unfortunately we did not have any news to report in the October newsletter. Now that some of our other Hero Lab projects are out the door, we hope to have news about projects like Shadowrun 5 soon!
Cool! Good to know! Looking forward to this! Will it be using the published
rules, or the errata that are supposed to being put out?
We always want to make sure Hero Lab matches any official rulings, but when I searched the Catalyst page last week for errata pages, I did not find any for 5th edition.

The official errata is not out yet, so no surprise there. there are some pieces of unofficial errata that has been said "This will be made official" but beyond the Mystic Adepts spending 5 karma per power point at character creation, I don't remember what else there is.
We always want to make sure Hero Lab matches any official rulings, but when I searched the Catalyst page last week for errata pages, I did not find any for 5th edition.

Right now, there is no errata.

The closest you can find is the Season 5 FAQ/rules. So if you have that option (like you do in 4th) in HL, then that's all you're going to find.

Other issues you will run into is typos. For example, it says submersion for Technomancers is 10x[Grade]x3 for Technomancers in one spot, but later it states (correctly) that Submersion is 10+[Grade]x3 (just like Initiation).

that's just one example.
Right, but I was wanting to know if they where going to be taking pre-orders a month or so before the reliably believed that they'd have it out. :)
More on SR5?

We always want to make sure Hero Lab matches any official rulings, but when I searched the Catalyst page last week for errata pages, I did not find any for 5th edition.

Can you offer anything more than "2014, Q1" for HL for SR5? Something to brighten our holiday season?

BTW--I am a retired database programmer with over 25 years of experience. So if you need a beta tester with database experience, I'm available.