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Color Coded Tactical

I have some discs from Dapper Devil I got many years ago. I like to use them when GMing and tracking duplicate enemies in initiative. Like I can do Thug #1 (Red) as he has the red disc under his base.

Anyway, I am experimenting with the campaign manager in HLO, and the tactical console. Is there any way to assign a color to individual enemies so that in the list of characters I can easily jump to the right thug? I don't think there is, but thought I'd ask.

Alternative, if I can rename the duplicates on the stage to where I change it from Thug #1 to Thug #1 (Red). Being able to change their background color in the list would be way more useful, but I'd settle for just the name change.

I figured out a way to create 1 thug profile, and then add it as 3 thugs into a new scene and how to import that scene onto the stage to be able to start Tactical. But once it imports the 3 thugs, it seems their names are fixed.