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    - The Lone Wolf Development Team

D&D 6e or 5.5

For now, they're calling it One D&D.

I have a lot of thoughts on it. I've read the entire document a few times and discussed it with many real life friends. I'm not going to comment much on it at the moment.

But suffice it to say, we're basically reaching our limits on what can be done with HLC's 5e without support from LWD.
I could easily have missed it, but nowhere in the coverage I've read concerning One D&D have I spotted any reference to a new System Reference Document. Without that, I expect Lone Wolf's hands are tied even it they wanted to implement the new stuff for Hero Lab Classic.
I could easily have missed it, but nowhere in the coverage I've read concerning One D&D have I spotted any reference to a new System Reference Document. Without that, I expect Lone Wolf's hands are tied even it they wanted to implement the new stuff for Hero Lab Classic.

Yeah. Even if there was a new SRD coming (I'm betting there will be, some time in 2024), LWD has no obligation to do anything about it. If there's not a significant reason for them to assume they can make money on a new data set, then I wouldn't expect them to do it.

I want to be clear; I understand why LWD doesn't support 5e any more. They have good reason not to touch anything outside of the SRD. And even when it comes to changes on the backend that would just be helpful for us, they have a budget and staff that they have to use as wisely as possible. Companies have to be responsible with how they allocate their resources, and need to make money to pay for those resources. And 5e just isn't a big deal for them, compared to HLO and Pathfinder. If they constantly go out of their way to just do favors for us, they're gonna go bankrupt and become unable to do anything for anyone.

So when I lament the lack of development for 5e, I'm screaming at the darkness of reality, not at LWD for having to pick their battles.
I want to be clear; I understand why LWD doesn't support 5e any more. They have good reason not to touch anything outside of the SRD. And even when it comes to changes on the backend that would just be helpful for us, they have a budget and staff that they have to use as wisely as possible. Companies have to be responsible with how they allocate their resources, and need to make money to pay for those resources. And 5e just isn't a big deal for them, compared to HLO and Pathfinder. If they constantly go out of their way to just do favors for us, they're gonna go bankrupt and become unable to do anything for anyone.

This applies to them supporting Herolab Classic at all, not just 5E.
All the awesome character creation software goes the way of the dodo eventually. I really appreciate all the work the community did with what we were given. This is still one of the best programs I've used in my nearly 40 years of my tabletop hobbies.
Like I said, I'm not quite ready to talk about One D&D. But at the very least, I plan to support the 5e Community Pack through the end of next year.
All the awesome character creation software goes the way of the dodo eventually. I really appreciate all the work the community did with what we were given. This is still one of the best programs I've used in my nearly 40 years of my tabletop hobbies.

That's why I haven't thought about switching to anything else. I've yet to find a better program for running 5e games. The tactical console, the editor, everything just works exactly the way I want. Nothing is more efficient or easy (once you get the hang of it).
Don't worry about it. You can do whatever you want in hero lab "for personal use". Even create a new edition D&D datafile. You just can't distribute it to people without the OGL. I made several datafiles for systems I ran/run and continue doing so. It honed my skills and made my coding better... Monte Cook just released an OGL SRD for Cypher System and recently posted on twitter he would be expanding the SRD to include more fantasy content in reaction to the Corporate Greed debacle at WotC. You have other gaming options but Cypher System has made my life a lot easier. I do recommend playing it as the system has taken a lot of prep time off my plate.
Well it's definitely become clear that there's not a snowball's chance in hell that we'll ever see One D&D in Hero Lab.

And at this point, I have no idea what TTRPG I'll be playing in two years. Ask me two months ago and I would have said One D&D for sure. Now...who knows?
Troll Lord

They really stuck their foot in it, didn't they?

All the way to the knee after they hired Punkerton's Murder Hobos to intimidate that one dude and his wife.

My group was upset over the OGL debacle, WotC has since made progressively worse decisions regarding how they treat consumers.

I would suggest trying something different. Castles & Crusades by Troll Lord Games is one option. The current book lineup is pretty solid, plays like D&D for the most part. The options in the Castle Keeper's Guide let you incorporate feats into the game. And its not WotC product. My group made the switch. We now play C&C and Numenera and have abandoned WotC product until they actually start firing people at the top and hiring people that know how to treat customers correctly. They are trying to push their Virtual Tabletop a little too hard. After spending 2 years gaming on roll20 my group feels its far too late for a virtual tabletop. Most of my group was tired of playing online and grateful to be back together in person. We have no intention of going back to online play just so WotC can use online streaming to generate revenue.

WotC earned 3 strikes in four months with us. The OGL debacle was the 1st. Removing Half-Elf and Half-Orc from the PHB was the 2nd. Using Pinkertons Mercs to intimidate a customer who accidentally received an unreleased product was the 3rd and final strike and the straw that broke the camel's back. The Virtual tabletop looks cool, but my group has decided we're not going back to that kind of environment. There were too many issues we had online that we lack with in person gaming.