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Savage Settings data files

OK, which update are we talking about? The last Savage Worlds update, or the update to Hero Lab itself?

And - What Happens. as exactly as you can describe it?

It happened when I did the last main update for the Savage Worlds system.
Further updates for Hero Lab have not fixed it, but those are also now up to date.
I've tried redoing the setting files and it tells me its done them fine but they just don't show up.
It opens Savage Worlds, but I get this on startup:

The data files could not be uploaded due to errors. Hero Lab will now attempt to load them in recovery mode. once loaded, you can access the editor as normal to correct and errors.

The Following errors occurred:

Thing 'eq50Grappll' - Condition test must occur prior to all rules and eval scripts, including on components (Initialise, 2100)
Thing 'eq50Quiver' - Condition test must occur prior to all rules and eval scripts, including on components (Initialise, 2100)

I 'ok' this and it loads up, with a box for release notes for Savage worlds

But, once loaded, I no longer have the check boxes for any of the new settings (Deadlands, ETU, Rippers etc)

When I load my Deadlands character it opens, but refuses to understand the Deadlands parts.
A box comes up saying "Critical information not found in data files: source 'Deadlands Reloaded"

The character mostly loads ok at that point, but skills like 'Guts' are listed but in red as errors.

Hope that helps make sense of it all!
Luckily I didn't update one of the work computers I have another licence on and that one works fine.

If Hero Lab fails to load ANY data files (and your error shows it is failing to load 50 Fathoms, I believe) then it will load NO data files at all because it doesn't know if the error has to do with conflicting files or not. The big question is, do you see an update for any of your data files, in particular for 50 Fathoms? If so you NEED to update your data files. That's a very, very important step.

Otherwise if you cannot update it for some reason (or it doesn't show an update which would lead me to think you may have gotten the file someplace other than through the updater) you could try re-downloading it through the updater or just deleting (or at least moving) that 50Fathoms data file to see if that clears up your problem.
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If Hero Lab fails to load ANY data files (and your error shows it is failing to load 50 Fathoms, I believe) then it will load NO data files at all because it doesn't know if the error has to do with conflicting files or not. The big question is, do you see an update for any of your data files, in particular for 50 Fathoms? If so you NEED to update your data files. That's a very, very important step.

Otherwise if you cannot update it for some reason (or it doesn't show an update which would lead me to think you may have gotten the file someplace other than through the updater) you could try re-downloading it through the updater or just deleting (or at least moving) that 50Fathoms data file to see if that clears up your problem.

AWESOME! Reloading 50 Fathoms solved the problem.
That is really weird as I've always used the updater.
Maybe I missed reloading it after an install of some form.
Either way, problem solved, thankyou loads!
No problem. That's usually the issue. Just be sure to always double-check if any of your data files have an update as old versions have a chance to cause problems and the last major update that had gone out had some things that required changed in some of the data files to get everything up to the new standards.
hi i am trying to get the savage settings to work on my pc but this message keep pooing up

The data files could not be loaded due to errors. Hero Lab will now attempt to load them in recovery mode. Once loaded, you can access the editor as normal to correct any errors.

The following errors occurred:

Preclude - Reference to non-existent thing 'edgSFCyber'
Preclude - Reference to non-existent thing 'racSFAquar'
Preclude - Reference to non-existent thing 'racSFAurax'
Preclude - Reference to non-existent thing 'racSFAvion'
Preclude - Reference to non-existent thing 'racSFConst'
Preclude - Reference to non-existent thing 'racSFDeade'
Preclude - Reference to non-existent thing 'racSFFlora'
Preclude - Reference to non-existent thing 'racSFInsec'
Preclude - Reference to non-existent thing 'racSFKalia'
Preclude - Reference to non-existent thing 'racSFRakas'
Preclude - Reference to non-existent thing 'racSFRigel'
Preclude - Reference to non-existent thing 'racSFSauri'
Preclude - Reference to non-existent thing 'racSFSerra'
Preclude - Reference to non-existent thing 'racSFYeti'
Preclude - Reference to non-existent thing 'vhSFSepWA1'
Preclude - Reference to non-existent thing 'vhSFSepWA2'
Preclude - Reference to non-existent thing 'vhSFSepWA3'
Preclude - Reference to non-existent thing 'wpKnife'

and in menu i can aces data can any one help ?
OK, right off-hand my guess would be that you have the Interface Zero data file without having the required Sci-Fi Companion. You'll need to either pick up the Sci-Fi Companion expansion or remove the Interface Zero materials (Interface Zero 2point0.1st and Interface Zero 2point0.user).
I believe the last announcement from Caped Crusader was that it would not be part of the official updates. There is a separate project by folks on this forum, however, who are working diligently on it and a fairly complete file is available from them here.
I'm not familiar with that one. I see that it's a cyberpunk setting. Someone would have to create a Setting file for it. Most of the Setting files for Savage Worlds are fan-produced. I did the one for Interface Zero 2.0 as a fan.
Any chance at a Deadlands SWADE update?

NVM. I think I found it.
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SWADE Companions

Are the companion downloads for SWADE or for Explorer versions? The purchase option doesn't give much detail about them.
They're for both, actually. If you go into the Settings for each character, there's a checkbox for Adventure Edition. Check this for SWADE, uncheck it for Explorer's Edition. Although some of the Companion material hasn't been updated yet. I'm currently working on the Fantasy Companion, but I'm way behind because of life issues.
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They're for both, actually. If you go into the Settings for each character, there's a checkbox for Adventure Edition. Check this for SWADE, uncheck it for Explorer's Edition. Although some of the Companion material hasn't been updated yet. I'm currently working on the Fantasy Companion, but I'm way behind because of life issues.

I understand life issues. I wasn't really able to use the files I bought, though, because it doesn't seem to have any of the stuff from the recent companions. Is there a dev channel to use what's available or an eta on when we will have a release to use?
I hoping to get it done during my holiday break, short as it is this year. This working 6-7 days a week is for the birds, though.
Hello Everyone,
I'm just looking around to see how updates to files are going for SWADE and to see if there is a thread or notice if SciFi will be added once it is released.
Sci Fi is on the list for update. I'm stuck at the moment because my day job can't make up their minds what to do with me. I'm doing Pathfinder and Fantasy as the same time, and I'm 95% done. I need to work with the Hero Lab base code folks to work out one issue with Power Modifications and the way they work with Potions, Scrolls and Wands now. Making each individual magic item that variable wasn't something we anticipated and we're having to rework the way we handle those.
Again, I regret that the difficulty with my day job is interfering with this. After working weekends since September, we were supposed to get a break but then my assignment got thrown into limbo last month just as I was finishing this Hero Lab work, and it tied my hands. And I didn't expect them to take this long to resolve things.