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Left Pane Remembers/ Saves state of collapsed / open hierarchies

Control = works for me as long as I have a topic open in pane.

For example:
open a topic in it's own pane.
collapse everything (command -)
expand topic folder in left pane already that is already being viewed in it's own pane (command =)

I cannot get the CTRL = to work either. The other commands do however work just fine.
Control = works for me as long as I have a topic open in pane.

For example:
open a topic in it's own pane.
collapse everything (command -)
expand topic folder in left pane already that is already being viewed in it's own pane (command =)

This is it exactly. The command basically "zooms to" the currently open topic, if it is available in the nav pane. It might not be available, however. There are several cases where the topic isn't available to be found.

For instance, it's possible to have a Mechanics Article open in the content pane while having the World Almanac in the nav pane. In this case, the content isn't present in the nav. Other examples include searches, filters or views where the current topic is missing from the nav pane.
This is GREAT news. But will it be a two step process? (1) Collapse all categories, (2) Collapse all groups? Or will there be a true collapse everything at once option? .

So you operate with groups (e.g. Places, People etc) and categories (e.g. Individual, Geographical Region, etc) showing at the same time?

If that's the case, collapsing all of those is currently a single step.
Hey Liz! Hot keys and hidden gems for a spotlight video! :)

I hadn't noticed CTRL = either. Can't wait to try it out this weekend. Thank you, Joe!!!

I like this idea! Can you add it to the "Spotlight Series Questions/Ideas" thread?
Okay...so, I may be getting confused in my old age, but I see what CTRL = does now. I was thinking it would jump to the active topic in the Nav pane. If I have everything expanded but scrolled far away from the current topic, CTRL = doesn't jump to the current topics location in the nav pane. If I have things collapsed it will "zoom" to the topic as Joe says, though I may still need to scroll up or down to find it.

In other words, it saves some expand-folder clicks, but doesn't save you from having to scroll through the list to find the topic.

Sorry for being thick, I get it now.
Okay...so, I may be getting confused in my old age, but I see what CTRL = does now. I was thinking it would jump to the active topic in the Nav pane. If I have everything expanded but scrolled far away from the current topic, CTRL = doesn't jump to the current topics location in the nav pane. If I have things collapsed it will "zoom" to the topic as Joe says, though I may still need to scroll up or down to find it.

In other words, it saves some expand-folder clicks, but doesn't save you from having to scroll through the list to find the topic.

Sorry for being thick, I get it now.

I'm concerned we have some kind of bug at work here. Because when I use Ctrl =, it will expand AND auto-scroll the list to display the topic, even if I was scrolled far away from it. Perhaps you should submit a bug report with some details (and perhaps a copy of your database) so we can figure out the details of why you're seeing this behavior.
The only time that Ctrl= doesn't work is when I have a Mechanics Topic open, but the left-hand pane is open in Story or World Almanac (or vice-versa).