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HLO Public API Debuts

Rob, I'm developing a converter for Foundry VTT, and here's what I've come across so far:

  • Perception not exported
  • Class Key Ability not exported
  • Heritage only exported in some cases (Harsk has it, many others, including many of my personal PCs do not)
  • Gender, age, height, weight, hair, skin, eyes
  • wealth
  • PFS Faction Rep
  • rogue racket "thief" not exported
  • dedications don't always export (ex: rogue with cleric dedication)

More to come as I discover them
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Please send any missing items in the export to us through the normal bug reporting options in HLO (the icon at the top right that looks like a gear - one of the options in that is bug reports).
Bugs submitted for armor and weapon proficiency

As far as I can tell, in v1 of the export armor and weapon proficiencies are not explicitly exported as a group (e.g. light armor, simple weapons), but are only given on a per-equipped-item basis. So if the exported character is wearing leather armor, in the properties description for that item it will give the character's proficiency level for leather armor, but there is no listing for light, medium, heavy armor proficiencies that I can find. Same for weapons.

I reported these as bugs as requested in HLO.
Rob, I'm developing a converter for Foundry VTT, and here's what I've come across so far:

Hi Slate. I'd like to follow your development if that's ok. Hero Lab to Foundry would be next level awesomeness. I have HLC but would get HLO if this becomes a reality.
I'm running 5e btw if that matters

I'm not a dev, just a user and I have dozens of chars I'd love to import
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Hi Slate. I'd like to follow your development if that's ok. Hero Lab to Foundry would be next level awesomeness. I have HLC but would get HLO if this becomes a reality.
I'm running 5e btw if that matters

I'm not a dev, just a user and I have dozens of chars I'd love to import

5e isn’t a game system in HLO, but I know there’s a foundry module for beyond to fvtt. If you play PF2e, the converter is up and running at pf2player.com
I don't use nor plan to use FG. You'd want someone with intimate knowledge of the FG data to be able to write a converter. I suggest you check out FVTT at some point. It's cheaper than FG, the game systems and mods are worked on by the community, so I expect it'll be more powerful/extendable than most other commercial closed systems. Plus, single charge for GM and no cost for players makes it have a low cost of entry.
I've started a converter for Fantasy Grounds. It takes the JSON of a character and creates the XML that can then be imported into FG. It only does basic things right now. Skills, Abilities, personal information (homeworld, name, gender, etc.)

You can find my code here:

At this moment, I'm thinking of moving over to the API. Looking at docs.


Hey BoomerET, can you take a look at the attached JSON and XML file and see why so much of the JSON content is missing from the XML output?


Is there a timeline for when Pathfinder 1e will come to the API?

I'm waiting desperately.

I REALLY would like to use Hero Lab as my character- and NPC-Adminstration Tool. That way, I can do all the character (and encounter-)building and adminsitration in one single app.

But that only works well, if you have any kind of interface (API) with common VTTs. More an more gamers use VTTs, so this should be a market.

With a propper interface I could administrate my PCs in Hero Lab and send rolls to Roll20 and Foundry, for example. That would be awsome.

Pathfinder 1E, Pathfinder 2E and Starfinder should all be supported by that API.

Maybe you could lunch a crowdfunding-campaign to get this done.

Best scenario: We have alle the Pathfinder 1E adventurepath-material in Hero Lab and can send rolls oder character sheets to a Roll20 game. No more tiring setup in Roll20. Just set up maps and lighting and "roll for it" :-)

I'm waiting desperately.

I REALLY would like to use Hero Lab as my character- and NPC-Adminstration Tool. That way, I can do all the character (and encounter-)building and adminsitration in one single app.

But that only works well, if you have any kind of interface (API) with common VTTs. More an more gamers use VTTs, so this should be a market.

With a propper interface I could administrate my PCs in Hero Lab and send rolls to Roll20 and Foundry, for example. That would be awsome.

Pathfinder 1E, Pathfinder 2E and Starfinder should all be supported by that API.

Maybe you could lunch a crowdfunding-campaign to get this done.

Best scenario: We have alle the Pathfinder 1E adventurepath-material in Hero Lab and can send rolls oder character sheets to a Roll20 game. No more tiring setup in Roll20. Just set up maps and lighting and "roll for it" :-)


Warning - I have NO official insight or information.

I honestly think Paizo forced a non-disclosure so Lone Wolf can't technically say (hence the LONG silences on any question to PF1 support), but PF1 integration is never going to happen.

PF2E is the premier official integration for Foundry VTT, and honestly is really smooth. Supporting two systems is twice the cost. Adding new features amplifies this.

Why would they help enable essentially a competitor to their own flagship product?

I think the only reason we even have PF1 in Hero Lab Online today is timing of it and since it was already in there and working, no sense in ripping it out to backlash, but if Paizo had its way, it would be gone from here.

I'd love to be wrong, but the more I've learned about Paizo and the people running that show, the less I respect them and their practices.
Warning - I have NO official insight or information.

I honestly think Paizo forced a non-disclosure so Lone Wolf can't technically say (hence the LONG silences on any question to PF1 support), but PF1 integration is never going to happen.

PF2E is the premier official integration for Foundry VTT, and honestly is really smooth. Supporting two systems is twice the cost. Adding new features amplifies this.

Why would they help enable essentially a competitor to their own flagship product?

I think the only reason we even have PF1 in Hero Lab Online today is timing of it and since it was already in there and working, no sense in ripping it out to backlash, but if Paizo had its way, it would be gone from here.

I'd love to be wrong, but the more I've learned about Paizo and the people running that show, the less I respect them and their practices.

That is so weird that you feel they will not support PF1, I mean they just released pocket editions of some of the older PF1 books I beleive. Plus they announced Print on demand on DriveThruRpg.


Seems like they are still supporting it. Right there is no new content besides third party stuff but that is to be expected.
That is so weird that you feel they will not support PF1, I mean they just released pocket editions of some of the older PF1 books I beleive. Plus they announced Print on demand on DriveThruRpg.


Seems like they are still supporting it. Right there is no new content besides third party stuff but that is to be expected.

Print on demand means they uploaded their raw files to a third party who will print, bind, and ship a book to you for them when you order it. They do nothing besides take your money.

Buying the books is exactly the same as today with their PDFs anyway. No impact.

Making it easy to adopt PF1 in Foundry equal-to-or-over PF2 in Foundry? That could have an adoption impact to PF2. Apples and Oranges, really.

Paizo is always happy to take your money when it doesn't eat its own lunch, as any business does.
Pathfinder 1e API

It's been 2.5 years since the public api launched. Any idea on when it will get pf1e support? I would like to build an integration into foundryvtt but can't do anything without the API.