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Adding Dragons


Well-known member
I'm adding a race that gains a +1 IP pass and need help coding the bonus.
Also their Damage needs to be -2 AP.
In addition I need to make a new Gear Size.
Any help would be appreciated.

If anyone's interested its the Dragons as PC's Catalyst released as an April Fools several years back. Not really all that balanced but fun for a one off game and making NPC's.
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OK, maybe an idea as to why this is happening might garner some help.

Kesendeja's starting up a "new" on-again/off-again game bringing back some OLD prime runner's we played straight to retirement and street legend status (emphasis on OLD, PRIME and LEGEND status). She plans on them getting embroiled in this whole dragon civil war meta plot going down and thinks the April Fool's article actually works for her campaign.

So, this isn't just some whimsical screw-ball request.....wait, actually, it is kinda screw-ball, but an actual request none the less.

Any help would be appreciated.
You've asked complex questions - several of them, and those take time to answer properly.

You've also asked them in the week before Gen Con - I'm rushing to finish a number of things before the Con, and have not had the time to look into this yet. I will try to make the time before the convention.

Although I can answer one quickly - the gear size can't be done by users - there are too many places in the structural files where gear size behaviors need to be modified for me to be able to expose that to users.
About gear, makes sense and thanks. Didn't mean to nag, I completely forgot about Gencon until this morning, so sorry if I came across as impatient. Whenever you get the time to look at it I appreciate it, I just didn't know if anyone was taking me seriously given the source. But thanks for the hard work.
You may want to take another look at the Dragon from the critter tab, though - It applies an AP modifier to its natural attack, so study all the details of that attack - how does it do it?
The critter dragons get +1 IP - how do they do that?

If that doesn't work (that mechanism may only be available for critters and not normal races), think of augmentations or adept powers that add +1 IP - how do they do so? Can you copy their Eval Scripts, modify them to add +1 instead of + rating, and add that script to your race?
Sorry for not answering these earlier - I guess they were just matters of figuring out where the best places to point you were, not cases where I needed to figure out the scripts that would be involved - I was overthinking them and put them on the back burner because of that.
Improved Reflexes

~if we're disabled, just get out now
doneif (activated = 0)

~add our rating to Reaction
perform hero.child[attrRea].field[trtMagic].modify[+,field[trtFinal].value,""]
~add our rating to Initiative Passes
perform hero.child[attrPass].field[trtMagic].modify[+,field[trtFinal].value,""]

How would I get it to be a one level only ability?
Oh, and I notice you didn't note the phase & priority of the script you're copying - that's a good habit to get into when posting scripts that you want help diagnosing, in case the problem is actually a timing issue, not the script itself.
~if we're disabled, just get out now
doneif (activated = 0)

~add our rating to Reaction
perform hero.child[attrRea].field[trtMagic].modify[+,1"]
~add our rating to Initiative Passes
perform hero.child[attrPass].field[trtMagic].modify[+,1""]
Does that script work for your race?

(Don't forget that the adept power you're copying adds to both IP and Reaction - you only want IP).
The first is +, -, *, or / - what operation you want to perform.

The second is the amount to add, subtract, multiply by, or divide by.

The third is what to label this operation as coming from, when the user moves their mouse over that attribute - in this case, it's using two quotation marks, which means to just use the name of whatever's running this script.