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Anyone working on Numenera or any Cypher system?

I thought about it at one time, but I know there is an official creator website for The Strange that was funded via the kickstarter.
I thought about it at one time, but I know there is an official creator website for The Strange that was funded via the kickstarter.

Sure. And there's a pretty good website for Numenera character generation. But it'd be nice to have something in Hero Lab with a template to add additional content and select sources. And something that saves a data file to facilitate advancement or later tweaking.

You know ... all the good stuff that Hero Lab does for other systems.

I'd do it if I have the know-how, but I don't. :-(
Just takes practice. Anyone can learn it.

You say that, but when I tried to create a creature in the Call of Cthulhu section, I made HL fall over, repeatedly. Still no idea what I did wrong.

I don't want to put the OP off trying, though.
Hollis started a Numenera system for his personal use back when the system was first coming out. Not sure how far he got.
Hollis started a Numenera system for his personal use back when the system was first coming out. Not sure how far he got.

With Hollis being a staff member, would there be any conflict of interest in sharing his work so far? (Assuming you're willing, Hollis).
You say that, but when I tried to create a creature in the Call of Cthulhu section, I made HL fall over, repeatedly. Still no idea what I did wrong.

I don't want to put the OP off trying, though.

Oh, trust me, I've had my own struggles with the authoring kit. This is why I'm asking if anyone else has done anything yet.
I'm still working on it, but sharing it at this point would be problematic - it's not finished, and we don't want to make it public until then for various reasons.
Man, I can sympathize, though I don't know that I can help without being able to dig into things myself.
Sorry for resurrecting this thread, call it my need to know, is there a working version of the Cypher System for Hero Lab?

I will be purchasing Realm Works later today and considering if Hero Lab is a viable option.
None that I'm aware of. And I've given up on my efforts, partially due to time, partially due to feeling like I was in over my head, and partially due to the fact that when I contacted Monte Cook games to ask if they had any interest in hooking up with LWD for an official package, they basically said "Nope, sorry. It's not the right solution for us." And that was pretty much the extent of the reason they gave.


To which my basic attitude is "Umm, OK, then I'm not the right customer for you."

Same thing with Steve Jackson games. They refused to license GURPS for Hero Lab just because it has the word "Hero" in it. How inane is that? Stopped buying their books, too. Someone here even created a GURPS Lite set for Hero Lab, which SJG distributes for free, but they still asked for the GURPS Lite set to be removed. Really?

Meanwhile, Evil Hat has told me they're fine with me distributing Dresden Files so long as I don't copy the descriptions word for word. I don't want to walk that line without a clear guideline of what I can include and what I can't, so I offer the Dresden Files set with no descriptions. Just the mechanics. But at least they gave me explicit permission to do that much without a hassle. And to be totally fair, Evil Hat doesn't actually own the right to the written content. They only negotiated a license to include it with their mechanics. So they were as permissive as they were legally allowed to be.

Anyway, I'm ranting now. And I'm tired. Cheers!
I play No Thank You, Evil! with my kids...but I think character sheets for that system don't really call out for needing a digital tool. ;-)
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