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HLO Improvements Wishlist (Character mgmt, Inventory, Dice)


Well-known member
Our group is making use of HLO for Pathfinder 2E Extinction Curse AP. I have a Patron account and am sharing content with my players. However, we've noticed a few things that would be of great benefit for improvements:

Character Management
- Copy character within campaign: My players would like to be able to make a copy of their characters so they can level up the copy to figure out what choices they would make so they are ready to level during the session. I don't want them to do this on their 'live' character, but if they make a copy of the character using the current tool, it copies the character to their private vault where they don't have content shared from the campaign. There are 2 suggestions to deal with this:
---- Simple: Allow copying characters within the campaign.
---- Cooler: Allow for 'save points' or something on the character. A player could make a 'save point' for "Live", then make edits to the character and roll back to the 'save point' when ready to play again. A single save point would accomplish this, but multiple save points would be nice. In HLC we could simply do this by saving separate files.
- GM add private character to campaign: I don't know if it is a bug or not, but I am unable to add any characters in my private vault to any of the campaigns I created. When I attempt to do so, the list of campaigns is empty.

Dice Rolling
- Dice Roll Log: Maybe I missed it, but I didn't see a roll history/roll log. This is necessary to validate rolls.
- Party Rolls: Especially in Pathfinder 2E there are numerous 'hidden' rolls the GM makes (Perception, Will Saves, etc). It would be nice if there was a feature where I could tell it to roll all player characters' Perception or a save or a skill. It would be better if I could select a subset of player characters for this roll, and I foresee times when I would need to make a global check for all NPC/foes in the Stage.

Inventory Management
With HLO moving to a web interface, I was quite disappointed to see that inventory management hasn't really changed from HLC. It is still a flat list of items. I have various ideas of improvements that range from simpler ideas to really cool:
- Simple: If you click a backpack, the flyout does show the items contained in that backpack... so the data exists for what items are in what containers. A simple solution would be to add a column to the display that shows the parent container... that alone would be a big help with the existing interface. One step more would be to automatically sort first on container then on name so that all items within a container would be at least grouped.
- Better: In addition to sorting the list so that items are grouped together, items in a container should appear following that container and be indented to indicate they are within the container. Essentially, shift from a flat list to a tree view so that containers can be expanded and collapsed. Tree views are versatile enough that they work for both small and large inventories.
- Even Better: Tree view is probably the best option, so here I'll simply add the ability to drag/drop within the tree instead of clicking a flyout to move an item to another container.
I definitely give the ability to more easily roll hidden checks a +1. As a GM, I feel like I have to roll a million of these, and I'm constantly having to fetch player numbers. I actually made my own spreadsheet to make this easier, but I'd love to throw the thing away and be able to do it in HLO at the click of a button.

For another Character Management improvement, I'd love to be able to move characters between the PC/Players group and the Cast Members group more easily. This has been an issue multiple times for me, as captured characters temporarily control an ally or alternate character, or choose to retire a character for them to become an NPC.
My wish list is either allow us to create custom content with custom descriptions (like making a custom race or class, that has unique abilities, or at least abilities other races have, but you can edit the description for... So my dhampir wouldn't mention being a borai).

And the ability to export/import my characters into Fantasy Grounds.
Lots of great ideas! Some of these are already part of the plan, some are completely new, and some are slightly different takes on things that were in the plan that now need to be reconsidered.

Please keep them coming!

In fact, I'm going to sticky this thread so it can continue growing with new ideas in one central place! Thanks for starting it, @Valdacil!!
Those inventory ideas are killer! And, they do seem like they'd be quite an improvement and help with how I manage/mangle my inventory.
For Shadowrun 6, riggers are unable to utilize their drones and vehicles correctly. They should be able to utilize their own skills and (in some cases) attributes, but the vehicles do not inherit them.

Are there plans for implementing this feature in the near future?
For Shadowrun 6, riggers are unable to utilize their drones and vehicles correctly. They should be able to utilize their own skills and (in some cases) attributes, but the vehicles do not inherit them.

Are there plans for implementing this feature in the near future?

This question belongs on the Shadowrun 6 forums. That's where the expert on SR6 pokes his head in occasionally. I don't know anything about how that stuff works (or is supposed to work) for riggers.

This question also needs to be submitted as a support ticket. That's the best and most reliable way to get an issue on our radar to be corrected.
+1 on all with pref to dice logs. My GM would like to see my to hit and damage rolls.

Bonus if you can target creature to hit and GM can just click Apply Damage link/button.

We used HLO for the Fall of Plaguestone and used it to do all the rolls but motto is "Trust but Verify."
+1 on all with pref to dice logs. My GM would like to see my to hit and damage rolls.

Bonus if you can target creature to hit and GM can just click Apply Damage link/button.

We used HLO for the Fall of Plaguestone and used it to do all the rolls but motto is "Trust but Verify."

I love the idea of having my players' rolls pop up on my screen and I just click "hit" or "miss". Theoretically, this can all be done automatically, but the confirmation would help me control flow of the game, account for conditional modifiers and throw a description of the attack in.

Would also love it if this kind of feature would automatically apply reductions to incoming damage for the targeted creature, and let me roll defensive rolls like saves with the touch of a button (which could also automatically apply conditional bonuses).

The amount of time I would save in a session would be mind boggling.
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PF 2 Export to (and from) Fantasy Grounds Unity

Pretty much as noted in the subject. I know we can export from HLC to FGC.

Not being able to do so with HLO and FGU means it is hard to argue with players who don't see a good reason to grab and maintain a HLO account. Especially since they can see all of the stuff I have in FGU.

I prefer - and they prefer - being able to use HeroLab. You are more up-to-date with products (we are a Pathfinder 1 & 2 group) but having to completely re-create the character everytime there is a change makes HLO a very hard sell for me as the GM.

My suggestion with context. :)

All the best
I also like the idea of having save points, or really any mechanism that allows the player to plan future changes to the character without affecting their current character sheet. Our GM right now will typically give us a heads up that we'll be leveling up soon, so I can plan things out, but it's a bit of a nuisance to have to then revert everything back to normal.
Equipment Purchasing: My players are frustrated by the lack of an option to sort by price or to specify a price range.
Speaking of purchasing, id love a sort by level option or level + option like in Starfinder (I believe level restriction purchasing isn't a rule in PF2E, but it makes my job as a GM much easier to find level appropriate loot.
Logging. For both society play and use of the Mnemonic Editor, you can only change selections made one or two levels back. Unless the player is diligent about keeping notes on what upgrades they make to feats, skills, or other choices, it makes this all guess work.
PLEASE let us search descriptions in all things like we can in HL classic!

For instance, I wanted to see Backgrounds granted by purchasing the Fall of Plaguestone. In classic I could pull feats or whatever and type in Giantslayer and see everything added by that AP/Book because it's in the description.

Nope. I had to go third party site to find them and search one by one in HLO.
please let us search descriptions in all things like we can in hl classic!

For instance, i wanted to see backgrounds granted by purchasing the fall of plaguestone. In classic i could pull feats or whatever and type in giantslayer and see everything added by that ap/book because it's in the description.

Nope. I had to go third party site to find them and search one by one in hlo.

+1 +1 +1
Journals: It would be very helpful if a GM could add journal entries - especially if that could be shared campaign wise.

For example, as a game master, at the end of a session, i create a journal entry with Karma, Heat, Reputation, dates and a description. I can select the characters in the campaign that get the journal entry and save. As a result the entry gets added to the selected players and the karma etc awarded.

This would be a huge step forward to the current process of "Transfer control to GM", "add entry", "transfer control to player" for every character :/

Split Reputations: The ability to add different kinds of reputations with factions.