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Gamemastery Guide?

I apologize if this question has been asked but is the information in the Gamemastery Guide in any of the data packages? I think I will end up getting HL for the Pathfinder game I am running but I couldn't figure out if this book was included in the core or was available at an additional charge. I was specifically interested in the various NPCs listed in the book and thought they would be handy to import if need be. Again, sorry if this has been asked.
The Game Mastery Guide should actually be part of the core pathfinder system along with the Adventure Paths. If you go to the Portfolio Menu you will notice that there is an import stock hero.. click on that and you should see stock NPC's with the (GMG) header to them.

Hope this helps?? :)
The GMG NPCs are available to all Hero Lab users. Select the Portfolio menu...Import Stock Hero, then select the set of NPCs you want to import from.