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Slower response times in HL V8.8b #832?

I have Win7 (64bit), 8GB Ram, AMD Ryzen 5 (6 core). I didn't have a problem before I upgraded the CPU, and Graphics isn't likely to be relevant.
Are you running 32bit or 64bit, as that will make a difference?
Is it slow with ALL game systems you have, or just one? Do you have lots of user files in that system folder?
I am using the 64bit. It is just slow for Pathfinder. It was fine until the last few updates a few years ago. I do have the community pack along with a few things I made myself but these were mostly there before the slow response. Each click is about a 3 second delay. Same with typing anything like a number for hp. 3 seconds to select the box for hp and another 3 seconds to put in the number. Sometimes my cursor even disappears while waiting but reappears after the delay.
I've seen the same issues on multiple versions of macOS (as old as Monterey, but up to and including Ventura). I currently have an i9 MacBook Pro with 32G of RAM, and HLC is slow just clicking an arrow to increment or decrement a value. It used to be that the option for avoiding many update calculations made things faster; currently it seems to have little or no effect. The iPad version is fine — it has other problems, but speed isn't one of them.
I get the exact same problems even with a new high end computer with ssd. The problem is only with Pathfinder. Others work great.
Good news to report. It seems that the latest Windows 11 updates from Microsoft or the new Nvidea driver update has fixed the slow response time for Hero Lab. I am not sure which one since they both were installed the same day. The strange thing about it is that my default character configuration changed. This was very weird but worth it for the fix.