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D&D 5e Community Pack

Update URL isn't working for Ipad version of 5E Herolab (unless I need a license to make it work, that might be the problem).
I see at the bottom left of the Background tab:
'Background & Faction Features'

Yet, where to select a Faction has eluded me.

I looked through the SRD, and didn't find any mention of Factions, so maybe that's why?

The reason I'm asking is because of the Hero Lab to Fantasy Grounds converter I'm working on.

So I got D&D 5e for Herolab as soon as it came out because I love HeroLab and have been just starting a 5e game. The SRD release was disappointing as they didn't have any of the info for the character I was playing.

I was excited about this community pack, as I thought it would fix that, but am hoping that I just messed something up in the installation as it still seems to be missing the things I was needing. Namely, all the archetype options for classes seem to still be limited to just one option, such as the Divine Domains for Clerics, the different Circles for Druids, the different Bardic Colleges for Bards, etc. Still only one option available for all of those. Did I do something wrong? Or are those still not available yet in this pack?
Click HERE to report a new issue or request a new enhancement within the Community Pack.
Click HERE to see the official Hero Labs support information.
And a tip. If you enable developer mode you can right click on things to see the name. If the name contains '5C' its community content. Alternatively its LW content. This lets you know who to log the ticket to using the links above.
Awesome, thanks for the hint, been programming HL for a few years and didn't know about that right click thing.
v1.4 May 19, 2016

A fairly significant update is now available. A huge chunk of the place holders have now being replaced with paraphrased text. A huge thanks to all involved. This was not a quick task. You should note that background text in your pre existing characters will not update automatically. You can remove and re-add the background to load the text into your character.

We have also added alpha and beta tags to the pack element names. This should give you an idea of the status of the content.

As always. Please don't report bugs via this forum. Instead use the links to our github in the first post.

New Features
  • DMG - New Items Added (Saddle of the Cavalier, Cap of Water Breathing, Cloak of Invisibility, Driftglobe, Efreeti Chain, Elixir of Health, Gloves of Thievery, Mariner's Armor, Potion of Fire Breathing, Potion of Invulnerability, Potion of Vitality, Sending Stones, Sentinel Shield,Rod of Pact Keeper, Alchemy Jug).
  • Adv League - Rage of Demons - Added monsters and NPC : Giant Two-headed Goat, Wild Dog, Wild Dog Alpha, Rothé Zombie, Breex Vandermast, Red Plume Patrol, Captain Erlich, Evil Sorcerer.
  • Out of the Abyss - Added monsters : Derro, Derro Savant
  • Out of the Abyss - NPC Races : Drow Template
  • Monster Manual - Added monsters : Dracolich template
  • New Adjustment - Change weapon type information of item
  • New Adjustment - Natural Weapon, Extra Damage
  • New Adjustment - Natural Weapon, Target
  • New Adjustment - Multiattack Text
  • New Adjustment - Spell DC, Specific School. NOTE: Currently individual spell DCs are not displayed in HL.
  • New Adjustment - Spell DC, Single Spell. NOTE: Currently individual spell DCs are not displayed in HL.
  • Added in a generic "Spell Attack" weapon that can be added to any character.
  • New adjustment - "Spell Attack Dmg" that lets a gamer set any type of damage onto the selected "Spell Attack" weapon. This is helpful for both those using iPads or paper sheets.
  • SCAG - Deities - Added all missing gods from normal FR pantheon
  • SCAG - Tiefling Variants
  • En5ider 07 Nature's Remedy - No scripting completed
  • En5ider 15 Strands of Life - No scripting completed
  • En5ider 16 King and Country - No scripting complete
  • En5ider 18 King and Country II - No scripting complete
  • En5ider 34 Chessmaster and Commanders - No scripting complete
  • En5ider 57 Scientific Sorcery - No scripting complete
  • En5ider 58 It's Never Over - No scripting complete
  • Rage of Demons - New Monsters (Red Plume Patrol, Breex Vandermast, Derro)
  • DDEX3-2 - New Monsters (Captain Erlich, Evil Sorcerer)
  • Rage of Demons - Poison Weapon Added
  • HOMEBREW - New Spell (Word of Censure)
  • HOMEBREW - New Cleric Domain (Exorcism)
  • PHB - New Spells (Mage's Faithful Hound, Mage's Magnificent Mansion, Mage's Private Sanctum, Mage's Sword)
Enhancements and Changes
  • Added tags to source selection to indicate current status of content. Alpha - Have started adding the 'Things' to the tool. Beta - All 'Things' added and usable however scripting will be missing or incomplete. - Content is released, may contain placeholders still.
  • PHB - All class 'Placeholders' replaced with relevant text.
  • PHB - Backgrounds (All 'placeholders' replaced with relevant text).
  • SCAG - Backgrounds (All 'placeholders' replaced with relevant text).
  • SCAG - Added Arcana suggested domain to some deities.
  • 5eFeats - Pre-Requisites coded into all feats.
  • 5eFeats - Expertise added to all feats except Skill Focus.
  • Elemental Earth - Replaces Spell placeholders with relevant text.
Bug Fixes
  • Great Weapon Master - Now correctly applying result to magic weapons
  • Monster Manual - Bone Naga spellcasting has correct spellcasting attribute now
  • Monster Manual - Flame Skull renamed to Flameskull
  • PHB - Feats (Dual Wielder spelling corrected)
  • War Cleric Bugs resolved
  • SCAG - Storm Sorcery Sorcerer: Now receiving Fly correctly at 18th level instead of Level 1.
  • Fifth Edition Feats - "Spell Focus" feat to be able to actually Select a school of magic and have its DC bonus reflected on spells. NOTE: Currently individual spell DCs are not displayed in HL.
I've started a thread on Github for spelling corrections on the Backgrounds. I'll get back to more correction suggestions hopefully next week unless someone else picks up where I left off. My thanks to the person(s) that did the hard part of rewording all of those!
Trouble downloading files on a mac.

I have added "http://www.shadowsoftware.net/herolab/5e/updates.xml" to my update list but after reboots can not access the community files for download. they do not appear on the update list. I receive the d20pfsrd updates without problems.

Edit: Apparently im blind. Nevermind.
Last edited:
Ipad Question

Okay, so I'm trying to get this working on my ipad, and I'm having some trouble. So I added the url for the community pack, I installed it and the only thing showing up is an Update titled "5e Community Pack." I installed that and no new content is showing up. No packs have populated my available updates or anything. I feel like I'm doing something wrong, can anyone help?
Okay, so I'm trying to get this working on my ipad, and I'm having some trouble. So I added the url for the community pack, I installed it and the only thing showing up is an Update titled "5e Community Pack." I installed that and no new content is showing up. No packs have populated my available updates or anything. I feel like I'm doing something wrong, can anyone help?
Did you go to the "Character" tab and turn on the source options for the 5e Pack like "5e Players Handbook" or other books?