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    - The Lone Wolf Development Team

D&D 5e Community Pack

So, I'll provide the hand-holding you're looking for.

1. Open the editor.
2. Create new file.
3. Click 'Race' tab.
4. Click 'New (Copy).
5. Choose something close to what you want, and make the appropriate changes.
6. Click 'Save'

Still unhelpful since, again, you're not specifying which .user file to open in the editor in the first place since that determines which "races" are available to copy from.

Not only that, but your "solution" is inaccurate. To do what I was asking about actually requires opening the COM races .user file (see, I actually mentioned the FILE that needs to be opened, because if you don't open the right file, then the things you're talking about being so easy to find in order to copy from, AREN'T THERE TO BE COPIED FROM), then creating a copy of the Half-Elf race, making a new identifier for it, deleting Skill Versatility from it, labelling it as something like "Half-Elf Variant", and then creating a SUBRACE that links to that race, for each individual variant, with the easiest way of doing so to copy the subrace entry with the desired trait, creating a new identifier for it, a new name to go in parentheses with it, deleting all the aspects of it that don't apply, then testing to see if it pops up as a subrace option when choosing the Half Elf Variant, and if it does, compiling, then saving the data file.

All of which is a far cry from, "Just copy it, you'll see."

So, I'll provide the hand-holding you're looking for.
Also unhelpful.

You want people to contribute to a community project and create a community, then don't act elitist and if you don't know the answer to something, don't answer pretending like you do.
Still unhelpful since, again, you're not specifying which .user file to open in the editor in the first place since that determines which "races" are available to copy from.
WOW! So you don't even try the solution but instead just complain about?

Follow his steps and you maybe will learn something about HL works.

You see New (Copy) does a copy of any Thing that is in the data base regardless of what .user file you loaded. In matter of fact its the ONLY way to get the Things that LW put in 5e.

My advice is stop assuming and listen to the advice you are being given....
No need to keep replying please team.

Let's ensure we maintain the high standard community culture that we currently have.

I acknowledge that my response was short and to the point, it had to be, i was juggling a screaming three year old on one knee and trying to stop the 8 month old from biting me in the other hand.


1. Open the editor.
2. Create new file. <- Create your own.
3. Click 'Race' tab. <- then subrace tab.
4. Click 'New (Copy) . <- srElfHigh or High Elf
6. Click 'Save'

This gives you a copy of the High Elf that you can work with. You CANNOT open or work with the orginal High Elf subrace directly. It's basically hard coded.

I presume you have been workign with your own .user file and copies of the files you wanted . . . NOT the originals. If you have been modifying the original files, you will LOSE those changes when/if those files are updated.

Never, ever modify a COM_ file. Make all your changes in a personal .user file.

You create your own .user file.
Yea, after my post I went and looked at every post of his.

We get people like that around here every so often.

I'll say a prayer for him.

AVAILABLE NOW - v1.6 September 28, 2016

WARNING:The class menu is allowing selection of any of the classes despite the options you have configured for the character. To avoid errors, ensure the correct option is enabled in the character configuration. We are investigating further.

New Features
  • Homebrew - Psionic Handbook
  • Ranger - The Ranger, Revised
  • Homebrew Race - Shardmind
  • Homebrew Race - Ursine
  • Homebrew Race - Elapidae
  • Unearthed Arcana - New Warlock Patron - The Seeker
  • Unearthed Arcana - New Warlock Pact - Pact of the Star Chain
  • Unearthed Arcana - New Warlock Patron - The Undying Light
  • Unearthed Arcana content - Modifying Classes - New Sorcerer Bloodline - Favored Soul
  • Multiple Classes - Fighting Style - Close Quarters Shooter
  • Multiple Classes - Fighting Style - Tunnel Fighter
  • Ranger - Ranger Archetype - Deep Stalker
  • Sorcerer - Sorcerous Origin - Shadow

Bug Fixes
  • Added missing unarmed strikes for all HB races.
  • Wood Elf Sub Race - Removed extra bonus language.
  • Purple Dragon Knight - moved to Martial Archetypes instead of fighting style.
  • Cleric Divine Strikes damage types fixed
  • Fixed superiority dice to reset per short rest instead of once per battle.
  • Scripting added for Sentinel Shield
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a question on the favored soul the medium armor and shield feature are working but it does not allow me to choose any martial weapons ... is there a work around?
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Looks like that an error in the description. It should read:

At 1st level, you gain proficiency in light armor, medium armor, shields, and simple weapons.

The class is providing:

perform root.linkage
perform root.linkage
perform root.linkage
perform root.linkage

So it is working as it should be, just needs the text fixed.

NOTE: This issue has now been resolved and will be pushed in the next release.

HELP: If anyone knows how to get the Order of the Fighting styles working please drop by and let us know how: https://github.com/Sklore/HL_DD_5e_Colab/issues/447
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Out of curiosity, and this isn't a judgemental thing or even really a criticism, merely something I'm curious about, but in my limited experience with the Community Pack, it seems that there are still a lot of issues with the core class features from official WotC published material, but this latest release has focused on homebrew classes, unofficial classes, and third-party content which, and again more of an observation than a criticism, I and I'm guessing a lot of other people who use the CP, aren't as interested in seeing fixes to as the more used and usable content.

Is there a reason for this?
The issues havn't been reported? I primarily work on issues raised and things I personally need or requests from the community.
The issues havn't been reported? I primarily work on issues raised and things I personally need or requests from the community.

Ah, fair enough. Where do I report things? There's at least a dozen issues I've found just in the last week of playing with Hero Lab for the two groups I run and trying to build a portfolio with their characters.

I'll try to figure out fixes myself, of course, but it sure would be great to have them in the CP :)