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    - The Lone Wolf Development Team

HLO Improvements Wishlist (Character mgmt, Inventory, Dice)

I have two things that keep coming up in my games.

Minor: Could we have a way to add wealth directly in the Gear tab? Since I use milestone "No XP to level" eight of the nine players only use the Journal to add wealth. If not, could we please, please, please have some sort of positive indication when the Journal adds wealth? I am so tired of walking players through fixing their cash over voice chat after they click the button two or three times. :(

Major: Not having access to the PCs unless I own them is incredibly cumbersome. I understand that Lone Wolf doesn't want players to get their characters messed up by a bad DM on Roll 20 or something, but seriously, a player can make a copy of their character outside the campaign context before every game, during every break in the game, and while I haven't checked it I wouldn't be surprised if they could make a copy before every round of combat. I just want to access the copy of the character in my Patron campaign, the way I could access the copy of the character in my HLC campaigns. At the very least, could I get access to the Effects tab?
I love the idea of having my players' rolls pop up on my screen and I just click "hit" or "miss". Theoretically, this can all be done automatically, but the confirmation would help me control flow of the game, account for conditional modifiers and throw a description of the attack in.

Would also love it if this kind of feature would automatically apply reductions to incoming damage for the targeted creature, and let me roll defensive rolls like saves with the touch of a button (which could also automatically apply conditional bonuses).

The amount of time I would save in a session would be mind boggling.

Add my +1
I have two things that keep coming up in my games.

Minor: Could we have a way to add wealth directly in the Gear tab? Since I use milestone "No XP to level" eight of the nine players only use the Journal to add wealth. If not, could we please, please, please have some sort of positive indication when the Journal adds wealth? I am so tired of walking players through fixing their cash over voice chat after they click the button two or three times. :(

Major: Not having access to the PCs unless I own them is incredibly cumbersome. I understand that Lone Wolf doesn't want players to get their characters messed up by a bad DM on Roll 20 or something, but seriously, a player can make a copy of their character outside the campaign context before every game, during every break in the game, and while I haven't checked it I wouldn't be surprised if they could make a copy before every round of combat. I just want to access the copy of the character in my Patron campaign, the way I could access the copy of the character in my HLC campaigns. At the very least, could I get access to the Effects tab?

++++1 The lack of this is almost a show stopper for me. At least make some form of edits available to the DM with an 'accept changes' option in some cases (for the player) and not in others. During combat I am extremely used to altering all Npc, mobs, and players HP on the fly, it's painful having to dictate and wait for them to update them.
++++1 The lack of this is almost a show stopper for me. At least make some form of edits available to the DM with an 'accept changes' option in some cases (for the player) and not in others. During combat I am extremely used to altering all Npc, mobs, and players HP on the fly, it's painful having to dictate and wait for them to update them.

I would also add the ability for a GM to apply conditions to a PC. It's even less drastic than modifying a PC completely, but it would be handy instead of me having to ask my player four times to put on a condition and hit the check box.
A step away from Roll20

I currently half manage combat in Roll20 and half in HLO because my players like to see each others rolls (I suspect some suspicion of cheating ;)).

If, when the stage is actively managing an encounter, any roll performed by the next player to act (at the top of the list), were to pop up on all players (and DM) Stage, exactly as on theirs, would be awesome and help take the first step away from Roll20 and towards HLO.
I currently half manage combat in Roll20 and half in HLO because my players like to see each others rolls (I suspect some suspicion of cheating ;)).

If, when the stage is actively managing an encounter, any roll performed by the next player to act (at the top of the list), were to pop up on all players (and DM) Stage, exactly as on theirs, would be awesome and help take the first step away from Roll20 and towards HLO.

The biggest step being that HLO isn't a VTT......yet.
A minor thing compared to some of the requests, but when looking at the general feats, it would be really nice to be able to filter out the skill feats, leaving General Feats only on the list.

Shared Dice is the other thing that I would agree on, which has been mentioned here numerous times.
I currently half manage combat in Roll20 and half in HLO because my players like to see each others rolls (I suspect some suspicion of cheating ;)).

If, when the stage is actively managing an encounter, any roll performed by the next player to act (at the top of the list), were to pop up on all players (and DM) Stage, exactly as on theirs, would be awesome and help take the first step away from Roll20 and towards HLO.

YES - very much agree. My wish list:

1) Shared dice rolls - when a cast member (PC, NPC, monster, etc.) makes a dice roll, it would sure be nice to have a chat window or something so everyone can see the roll (unless the GM marks it as a secret roll).

2) When a character ends their turn, it would be nice if the character window (I have mine pinned to the right) would update to the next character in the initiative. At the moment, the stage updates to the next character. But, I have to click on that character to see their info. Making that happen at the same time as the stage updates would be great.
We need the ability to purchase Boons without Fame cost. Sometimes you can get them for free.

Edit: Never mind found the option to do so.
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Purchase Log


I seriously don't understand how this isn't a thing, since it's fairly simple to implement.

In addition, allowing the journal to be sorted by date or title would be helpful; I've had to use pre-gens for a few games of Starfinder Society, and thus held the chronicle until my character was the correct level. Since the date sorting is actually functioning now, my journal is not in the correct order.

For society play, either put all the factions in the drop-down in the journal by default, and if it's not on the profile page automatically add it. If you wish them to only be added from the profile page, have them all added, already and allow the player to simply select their primary faction during creation.

After the Patron/Standard/Apprentice stuff was added, someone said that a way to allow multiple people to use the purchased content (families) was going to be added soon. Any updates on when this will be available would be awesome.
When hovering over something after a short delay a brief description of that option in hover text would be useful.

The Delay is important here, nothing annoys me more then instantaneous hover text.
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OK so after playing a Ranger in Fall of Plaguestone for a few weeks now, here are a few things that are "bugging" me...

And let me preface this with, I really like using HLO to manage my character but since this threads goal is to make it "better" please read the following as just that, my perspective as a "user" and things I think would help make it a better product for all!

  1. To many clicks. Just in general, it takes so many clicks to get to things, especially around weapons.
    • Precision damage, Having to click the Ability to only open a window to click a checkbox is REALLY starting to annoy me. If there is only 1 checkbox, the "lightning" bolt icon should just mirror it and change it on click. Or at least give us a new icon(s) then like we have for Raise Shield.
      Imagine this: Action 1: Hunt Prey, Action 2: Shoot and kill target, Action 3: Target and shoot new creature that isn't my prey. Guess how many clicks it takes to remove Hunt Prey and get back to Attack #2 to roll for proper damage...6 clicks.
    • Deleting items. OMG, can we please get a delete option? There are SO many clicks involved to remove an item. Lets say I throw a dagger and loose it. I have to "sell" it, and if I'm not paying attention, I just got Silver for it... We're finding lots of alchemical bombs as well and managing those is becoming painful. (Like using the last 1 Alchemists Fire removes it from play area, but it's still on my Weapons sheet, but there is no delete OR sell menu option, just a move to option...) I just want to remove it altogether... #weapons-locker
    • Weapons locker, ya, now that we found some "bombs" I quickly filled my weapons locker as a Ranger. Ug. so many clicks to get to the center of a tootsie roll...but we've discussed this already...
  2. Encumbrance. Since it is tracking decimal values of Bulk, could we please show the decimal value? I'm constantly at 6 bulk with my Ranger and I'm encumbered at 7 (str bonus +1) so the difference of 10 arrows can put me in Encumbered condition, yet I barely notice it unless I notice my AC changes.
    • Could we add Encumbered to the Misc section on the main page? And/or color code things like AC that are changed because of Encumbered? Or just some noticeable "Flag"? Sometimes I feel like a detective trying to figure out why my numbers are different from just a minute ago.
    • This may be a bug? But the gear tab says Encumbered 6 but really, you are not encumbered until > 6 (for a +1 str character). Shouldn't this really show 6+str mod (you are encumbered when bulk is > 5+str mod)
  3. Talismans... could we PLEASE get an icon or something on the weapon/armor for this? When you add a Talisman 3 weeks ago, you sort of forget you even have one attached to the weapon. Besides the fact of needing clicks to see this, I don't even remember I should click the weapon to look.
    • Suggestion, like the "backpack" icon for equipment, another icon for talismans (and runes?) would be useful reminders. Bonus if I could just hover over it to see what the talisman does (see #1)
- The Ability to add files to the Journal (PDFs, JPGs, etc.)
-- The Idea is to help map out your character journey, by uploading Art of characters/NPC met, Handouts found.
-- This would also work well for Org play which would allow you to upload the scneario sheet for that scenario.
OK so after playing a Ranger in Fall of Plaguestone for a few weeks now, here are a few things that are "bugging" me...

And let me preface this with, I really like using HLO to manage my character but since this threads goal is to make it "better" please read the following as just that, my perspective as a "user" and things I think would help make it a better product for all!

  1. To many clicks. Just in general, it takes so many clicks to get to things, especially around weapons.
    • Precision damage, Having to click the Ability to only open a window to click a checkbox is REALLY starting to annoy me. If there is only 1 checkbox, the "lightning" bolt icon should just mirror it and change it on click. Or at least give us a new icon(s) then like we have for Raise Shield.
      Imagine this: Action 1: Hunt Prey, Action 2: Shoot and kill target, Action 3: Target and shoot new creature that isn't my prey. Guess how many clicks it takes to remove Hunt Prey and get back to Attack #2 to roll for proper damage...6 clicks.
    • Deleting items. OMG, can we please get a delete option? There are SO many clicks involved to remove an item. Lets say I throw a dagger and loose it. I have to "sell" it, and if I'm not paying attention, I just got Silver for it... We're finding lots of alchemical bombs as well and managing those is becoming painful. (Like using the last 1 Alchemists Fire removes it from play area, but it's still on my Weapons sheet, but there is no delete OR sell menu option, just a move to option...) I just want to remove it altogether... #weapons-locker
    • Weapons locker, ya, now that we found some "bombs" I quickly filled my weapons locker as a Ranger. Ug. so many clicks to get to the center of a tootsie roll...but we've discussed this already...
  2. Encumbrance. Since it is tracking decimal values of Bulk, could we please show the decimal value? I'm constantly at 6 bulk with my Ranger and I'm encumbered at 7 (str bonus +1) so the difference of 10 arrows can put me in Encumbered condition, yet I barely notice it unless I notice my AC changes.
    • Could we add Encumbered to the Misc section on the main page? And/or color code things like AC that are changed because of Encumbered? Or just some noticeable "Flag"? Sometimes I feel like a detective trying to figure out why my numbers are different from just a minute ago.
    • This may be a bug? But the gear tab says Encumbered 6 but really, you are not encumbered until > 6 (for a +1 str character). Shouldn't this really show 6+str mod (you are encumbered when bulk is > 5+str mod)
  3. Talismans... could we PLEASE get an icon or something on the weapon/armor for this? When you add a Talisman 3 weeks ago, you sort of forget you even have one attached to the weapon. Besides the fact of needing clicks to see this, I don't even remember I should click the weapon to look.
    • Suggestion, like the "backpack" icon for equipment, another icon for talismans (and runes?) would be useful reminders. Bonus if I could just hover over it to see what the talisman does (see #1)

Everything above x2, please.
As I understand the technical design of HLO, the software still runs on .por files on the server side. We just can't download them to our own PCs to use that data elsewhere.

Please fix this. We need the access to our ,por files! Just a download link is all we ask.
As I understand the technical design of HLO, the software still runs on .por files on the server side. We just can't download them to our own PCs to use that data elsewhere.

Please fix this. We need the access to our ,por files! Just a download link is all we ask.

However the data is stored internally (and I seriously doubt it is .por files), there would be no benefit in downloading that file, since you wouldn't be able to make use of the data offline.
However the data is stored internally (and I seriously doubt it is .por files), there would be no benefit in downloading that file, since you wouldn't be able to make use of the data offline.
Being able to download and upload HLO character files could be immensely beneficial. Just the ability to start building up a community resource of custom NPCs and monsters would be worthwhile.

Of course, Lone Wolf could theoretically do this by making a community shared server space available, but that would involve greater expense and liability issues for them, so I don't think they'll go that direction.
My brother and I like to collaborate and share our builds. That is a piece of cake with HLC. It's impossible with HLO.