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Release Announcements and Release Notes Access

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Staff member
As we continue to evolve Hero Lab Online, we're also working to improve its ancillary aspects. In this spirit, we are changing the way we handle release announcements and the posting of release notes, effective April 2020.

Announcements about upcoming releases and the accompanying outages are now integrated directly into the product. Consequently, we are revising our practices to primarily leverage that mechanism and only announce updates in advance here on the forums when the circumstances are out of the ordinary, such as an extended downtime.

Announcements of completed releases will be similarly reduced here on the forums. When there is something major, such as the release of a big new book or a significant new feature, we'll make sure to let everyone know about it here. Releases of lesser import will simply be announced through the product itself.

Release notes for each new update will now be found on our customer support wiki, where they can be viewed in an organized manner. A link to these release notes will also now be found within the product for easy access.

In the near future, we'll be introducing some additional resources on the wiki, including some helpful articles from the development team with tips on how to get the most out of Hero Lab.

Thank you for your continued support as we do our best to keep making Hero Lab a better experience for everyone.

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