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Age-based ability score modifications

Pathfinder 1E includes a feature where middle-aged characters receive a -2 to all physical and +2 to all mental ability scores. Two additional age tiers further penalize physical ability scores but do not benefit mental ability scores.

I don't see any way to apply these modifications in Hero Lab Online. The best I can do is manually apply them, suppress validation warnings, and try to remember that I did it. This is especially klunky with a point-buy system because Hero Lab Online doesn't know why I'm marking ability scores higher or lower and changes the point buy costs for them.

I suggest that this could be easily handled with three templates, in this case acquired templates, that adjust ability scores. The templates should be mutually exclusive (for example, a character should not be both middle-aged and venerable).

Of course, I could be missing something. I'd be happy to hear if an option already exists!