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Rotating Map Pin


Well-known member
I know this won't be high on the priority list, but I would like it if we could rotate the map pin 90-degrees. Sometimes the bubble and yellow box gets in the way and being able to rotate it 90-degrees would help.
I've been working on maps again and really wish I could rotate the map pins so the tip can be on the left, right or on top for those times having it on the bottom causes something to be blocked. I thought I would reactivate this thread to see if there are others who'd also like to have the ability to rotate map pins.

I do believe that LWD is planning on doing an overhaul on all things map related down the road.
Rotating images seems like...work. For both LWD to implement and for us to mess with.

I just want colored dots without flags attached.... :) And squares. And triangles. But mostly I want color and dots.
Now that we are nearing the "end" with the Content Market I was wondering if rotating map pins happened to make the list of changes. I can't tell you how often I have created a map pin and wished I could rotate it so it wasn't blocking something. Even AEIOU's idea of colored dots without flags could work.

Just wondering.