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    - The Lone Wolf Development Team

Shadowrun 6th Edition Release Schedule

On the 15th Jan, LW (Mathias) stated the following:
"Other projects on our short list include:

Alien Archive 4 - we're working our way through it now and will release as quickly as possible, which looks like next month
Lost Omens Ancestry Guide - we've not yet received this book from Paizo and will do our best to have it available on the book's release date (February 24th)
Savage Worlds - updates have been submitted to us and are awaiting detailed review

Once we've got those completed, the plan is to move on to the backlog of adventure path issues, Shadowrun books, and assorted other bug fixes that have been reported."

That's the latest message I'm aware of. Based on "recent" statements, they won't give dates, or priorities.

That's the latest message I'm aware of. Based on "recent" statements, they won't give dates, or priorities.

Which I can understand. As frustrating as it is from our side, them giving any sort of dates can shoot them in the foot. Because you can't always promise there won't be delays and we players can get a little rabid if you promise us something and it doesn't happen.
On the 15th Jan, LW (Mathias) stated the following:
"Other projects on our short list include:

Once we've got those completed, the plan is to move on to the backlog of adventure path issues, Shadowrun books, and assorted other bug fixes that have been reported."

Do those Shadowrun books include the remaining ones for the original HeroLab's Shadowrun 5e?
Which I can understand. As frustrating as it is from our side, them giving any sort of dates can shoot them in the foot. Because you can't always promise there won't be delays and we players can get a little rabid if you promise us something and it doesn't happen.

I understand that as well. I don't care so much about dates as a simple acknowledgement of we're still working on it. After all, it's been a few years since several of us have paid for material that is not yet completed and no word on it.

It's why I've held off on HLO. If there was at least some word on finishing up the older products, I'd look at HLO.
So sad and upsetting. I don't know why or how LW keeps this contract. Adding insult, the March Newsletter even mentioned how the SR6 theme is now available to everyone as a Sci-Fi skin. Shoot me now.
I've started to look into alternate generators for now. I try to use HL for everything. but until they can get caught up, and maybe put us in the loop for various systems, I need something useable with the newer material
Going to expect that this is pointless to even bother asking, but here goes anyway. Is there any hope that we are going to actually get any of the books that were released in the last year, or frankly any of the books past the core book?
I am of a similar mindset. HL is an excellent program but without any updated material or the ability to manually add items, I too am looking for a new generator.

Would be nice if we received any information, even a tentative schedule for development.
Reposted from the HL Classic board:

The character generator license for Shadowrun has been languishing in Lone Wolf's hands. Nothing has been done for 6th edition since the corebook, despite multiple books being published since then. The last comment we even have from anyone at Lone Wolf was from 2019, just saying they were "working on it."

Even for Shadowrun 5th Edition over on HeroLab Classic, at least two books were promised and quite a few folks paid for, yet have never been added.

Step up or step off. Either actually do the work promised and in some cases paid for, or let someone else take over the license. This is just embarrassing and unprofessional.
Step up or step off. Either actually do the work promised and in some cases paid for, or let someone else take over the license. This is just embarrassing and unprofessional.

Perhaps directing this as the license issuers might get them to allocate it (if it is exclusive) to some other potential partner instead.
A little thread necromancy here but I was talking to a catalyst rep at a convention they have a mild presence at regarding Hero Lab. They are not at all pleased with how things have gone with Lone Wolf and are "seriously considering other options going forward, especially via Foundry."

Take that for what it's worth.
Accidentally wanders into the graveyard that is Hero Lab support of Shadowrun and leaves disappointed, but not surprised.