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Oh you think that I need sleep well .. ok so I do need some sleep ... and then I have to go to work ... then I must be a primary parent when my wife goes to her 2nd job twice a week and I have the family to take care BUT past that!

You can get away with this sneaky sneaky post to just up your numbers LOL and you can only get away with it under your "old Name" LOL I shall again rule the posts with an over inflated post count of self worth! HAHAHAAHhahahahhahh (cough cough) Hahahah dang must get a drink ,,,, to much ranting!
Aaron you think your sneaky b/c I did nt notice this post BUT maybe I have waited to let you grow in a sense of security THEN WAM I post back in here on you HAHAHahahaha cough cough to much laughter
But I am back in here again while my other posts get answers!
How'd this thread get over 5000 views? Are there really that many .Hack users just waiting to pounce on the first Card Vault data published? Or are mine and SAbel's antics just that much fun?