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New version of files for AB3 - Coming Soon!


Well-known member
I'm currently working on a new version of the Necromunda Files for AB3 (Yay!)

It's been a while coming (and it is still a few weeks off) but it will contain all of the info from the LRB and the "offical" PDF's available from www.specialist-games.com

Once that's done and released, I'll add all of the stuff from the old rules so you can choose between Necromunda (original) and Necromunda Underhive.

At this stage, I don't have any idea when I might have a chance to update the ABv2.2 files to reflect the changes in Necromunda Underhive...
might there be a more recent update? I'd really be interested in this, since I haven't played Necromunda in forever. I wouldn't mind getting another gang, but I want to be able to use a simple way of maintaining the gang.