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Progress report


Well-known member
How are things going? There hasn't been a second post on this forum yet, in the more than a month since the first.

And now I dance the first topic dance.
Hello. I'm new to these forums... I would like to ask if there is a printable dataset for D&D miniatures that works in conjunction with Hero Lab. Ideally, I'd like to select the minis I'll be using for the evening and print the gaming stats needed. Does something like that exist?
I'm not sure, but I doubt it. This forum was dead at birth it seems, with no further word from the moderator in nearly a year and a half. Mostly I just haunt this forum for the hell of it, because nobody else is here and I can goof off.

Maybe you could work on such a dataset and post it here? That'd be swell.
SAbel, I notice you and I have the exact same number of posts.... until now! I have 198 now, what are you going to do, huh!? Top that!
I just came by here to poke about and I find a month old rant! I shall strike back at you Lg
It is very cold in cyber space, and you may scream all you like


Nuts You may have had me by 109 post but I am getting closer to you HAha ho he um yea its still over a hunderd, I gotta post more