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Model Counter Available?


One item that would be cool is a summary of the # of models by weapon.

This would make selecting your models much easier. Some sort of table at the end of the roster, with each weapon type listed and the number of that weapon indicated, not by squad, just the total on the roster.

Is there such a feature already in the program that I am missing? If so, how do I turn it on? :confused:


Hi there

thanks for the suggestion - which game system is it for? Bolt Action crewed weapons shows the model count for the amount of crew per weapon (i.e. mortar team, artillery pieces etc) or are you referring to other game systems?

Specifically, I am referring to Bolt Action. I am sure it would be cool for other systems, but right now I am only concerned with Bolt Action.

I am talking about some sort of Models Needed Summary.

It might look like:

K-98 Armed Soldiers: 15
Carbine Armed Soldiers: 5
MP-40 Armed Soldiers: 4
STG 44 Armed Soldiers: 4
LMG Armed Soldiers: 4
Panzerfausts: 6

I have no idea how difficult this would be to code. Just thought it would be helpful when selecting models for a game.


This will be available in the next release
Does this new feature work for existing army lists, or do I need to re-build my army list in the new version? I am having trouble getting the report to show more than the number of activation dice.

I am certain that I am doing something wrong! LOL!

I have enabled Weapon Counters in the options, and when I select Roster Statistics as a floating window, I am presented with the screen shown in Shot 1:

(See Shot 1 attachment)

I cannot get the little round cross outs to change (except next to the Activation Dice entry - a cross out does not appear there, at all).

So, when I click ok, I get this final result - showing only the number of Activation Dice:

(See Shot 2 attachment)

Any help on what I am missing or doing wrong will be appreciated! :)



  • Shot 1.jpg
    Shot 1.jpg
    46 KB · Views: 2
  • Shot 2.jpg
    Shot 2.jpg
    15.6 KB · Views: 1
Hi there

Just checked this - what nationality have you got selected and what other options/rules - when you select the things to display any weapon listed with a circle and line through it means that the weapon is not available for that nationality

Also try pressing ctrl and C together to force AB to recompile and try it again

Let me know how it works

The army I am building is veteran German Heer, 2000 points. The options I have selected are as follows:

1. Army Lists
Bolt Action Rulebook

2. Options
Use "Armies of..." Books
Include Downloadable Units
Display Weapon Counters

3. Force Selection
Use Force Selection Rules

Pressing CTRL-C together does not seem to have any affect on the problem.

I am uploading a pdf of the roster. If you want, I can email the actual data file to you. The forum does not allow me to upload the actual file, apparently.

Thanks for taking the time to review this issue.

