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Foundry loose integration

Version 1.15.1

Changed the permission required for players to see links to LIMITED (previously it was OBSERVER).

Updated the compatibleCoreVersion to 9 so that no warnings are generated on Foundry V9.
Version 1.16

Some improvements have been made to imported scene notes:
Updates for scene Notes:
- The title of a map pin is now displayed within ">> title <<" instead of the previous "\*\*title\*\*".
- The text is broken across multiple lines (default max line length set to 60 in module settings) - this does not affect the note title/linked journal name.
- Multiple occurrences of "& #xd;" in the map pin descriptions are replaced by just a newline.
- The "GMDIR:" indicator has been put on it's own line with down arrows to indicate which text is the GM directions.
- The font size is now configurable in the module settings.
- The display of GM notes has been changed so that less of the core foundry code has been copied into this module.
I noticed that the new format of map notes on unrevealed topics having a crossed eye isn't occurring for some map notes.

In my Castle Ward (Waterdeep) scene, for instance, there are two unrevealed journal topics ("5 - Red-Eyed Owl" and "6 - Sleepy Sylph") that are showing up without the eye on the map notes. I'm including pictures of both the GM and Player views.

"- The "GMDIR:" indicator has been put on it's own line with down arrows to indicate which text is the GM directions."

I'm not actually sure what that one does? I'm not seeing any down arrows (not that it needed them).

I also attached a picture with the duplicated relationships and links in case you were wondering what I was talking about.


  • CastleGM.png
    176 KB · Views: 2
  • CastlePlayer.png
    265.6 KB · Views: 2
  • Foundrydup.png
    100.3 KB · Views: 2
I noticed that the new format of map notes on unrevealed topics having a crossed eye isn't occurring for some map notes.

In my Castle Ward (Waterdeep) scene, for instance, there are two unrevealed journal topics ("5 - Red-Eyed Owl" and "6 - Sleepy Sylph") that are showing up without the eye on the map notes. I'm including pictures of both the GM and Player views.

"- The "GMDIR:" indicator has been put on it's own line with down arrows to indicate which text is the GM directions."

I'm not actually sure what that one does? I'm not seeing any down arrows (not that it needed them).

I also attached a picture with the duplicated relationships and links in case you were wondering what I was talking about.

The crossed-eye icon is displayed if the PIN is not revealed on the smart image. The circle indicates that the pin has been revealed. In both cases, this is separate from whether the linked topic has been revealed.

Unfortunately, Foundry doesn't display map pins (notes) if the linked topic has NO permission for the player - regardless of my revealed state on each pin. - I will look to see if I can force the note to be visible, and then check to see if that causes issues when clicking on it.

For the GM indicator; previously a map note would appear as something like:

** title **
player note
GMDIR: gm notes

whereas the new format is

** title **
player note
-vv--- GMDIR ---vv-
gm notes

Unfortunately the way that Foundry does Notes is that we only have text to customise - we aren't able to add any formatting or changes in font size.
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Version 1.17 is available

Relationship annotations & Smart image map pins display to players

Change the presentation of annotations for relationships since they can be multi-line (whereas annotations on other snippets are single line only). The annotation of
a relationship now appears in emphasis (italics) immediately below the relationship details (still part of the same bullet).

Add a soft (optional) dependency on libWrapper, just in case any other modules want to interact with notes and/or journal links.

Only enable the relevant notes/links/gmtext sub-modules depending on whether logged in as GM or player.

Revealed map pins will always have the scene Notes be displayed to players even if the linked journal entry is not visible to the player. If the linked journal entry is NOT visible to the user then the Note will be displayed to the non-GM player as if it was a not-connected note. The tint colour of the icon will be set correctly based on whether or not the player can see the linked journal entry.

For users hosting on Forge, additional metadata has been added to the module information.

Use correct constants for token disposition.

Also fixes an issue where players were seeing too many scene notes if they logged in after the scene had been activated by the GM.

Removed a debug statement that was being reported as a warning in your browser console.
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I didn't even realize that map notes could have GM Directions, lol. Had to look that up in RW, since I'd never used them.

Is there an easy way to implement the revealed vs. hidden map note status you've added on new notes from within Foundry? It will get sort of messy and confusing if map notes imported have that extra functionality, but new map notes I create don't. Also not sure how to adjust it on imported notes, to reveal the note for instance without revealing the content.
Update Note Config window to provide multi-line text entry areas for Note Label and GM Notes.

Update Note Config window to allow revealed state of scene Notes to be changed.

Add two new icon types (Boxed Circle and Crossed Eye) to the list of available icons for scene Notes (since these are used to identify imported map pins).

Add module options to set the icon tint colours to be used when displaying notes to players to indicate if they are linked to an accessible journal entry.

I would just like to point out that this was done BEFORE sword_of_spirit asked for it ;-)
Actually, since he posted at 5:16AM GMT, technically it was done AFTER he asked for it, but definitely it was BEFORE I saw that he asked for it.
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The REVEALED state handling of scene Notes, and the "GM Notes" handling will soon be split out into a separate module from the RW importer since it seems like this could be useful for all Foundry users.
1.19 is available

The non-core import functions have been moved into separate modules, so you don't need the import module active while running your game.

You will be prompted to install these additional modules when you next update.

- GM-only text for Notes
- Disguise unreachable links
- Optional "reveal" state for Notes

These modules will work stand-alone, as well as the import module setting up the imported information to work with these modules.
Wow, I have not been on these forums for a long time. On a whim, I dediced to check it out. So glad I did. I have a VM of a Windows 11 machine running in Parallels on my MacBook Pro with RealmWorks Installed so that I can access content in it from time to time, even though I rarely use RealmWorks any more.

I'm going to have fun testing this over the weekend.

Any issues with this module and the recent release of Foundry v 9?
Wow, I have not been on these forums for a long time. On a whim, I dediced to check it out. So glad I did. I have a VM of a Windows 11 machine running in Parallels on my MacBook Pro with RealmWorks Installed so that I can access content in it from time to time, even though I rarely use RealmWorks any more.

I'm going to have fun testing this over the weekend.

Any issues with this module and the recent release of Foundry v 9?

Hey stranger.
If you are looking for Farling... or... well most of the old RW users... we have moved.

https://discord.com/invite/veuWUTm (find the #tabletop-games channel)

Farling is very very active in these circles currently.
As are a heap of old faces.
Wow, I have not been on these forums for a long time. On a whim, I dediced to check it out. So glad I did. I have a VM of a Windows 11 machine running in Parallels on my MacBook Pro with RealmWorks Installed so that I can access content in it from time to time, even though I rarely use RealmWorks any more.

I'm going to have fun testing this over the weekend.

Any issues with this module and the recent release of Foundry v 9?

I did a quick test and it is still working properly.

It doesn't touch the changes that were made in v9 - even the now-three separate plugins are still working properly (and have more downloads than just the RW->Foundry integration module).
Hey, thanks for the image conversion to .webp - worked great!
My realmworksimport folder, where the images are stored, went from 850MB to 150MB! This will most certainly have an impact on my player's loading times!

One more question though: the "Only import new topics" and "Overwrite previously imported things" options probably only work if the imported stuff stays in the Realm Works Import folder, right?
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Import .por issue

It seems when I import a .por file, none of the equipment is in the right place. I notice weapons , armor and stuff are in the miscellaneous tab and I cannot get them equipped in the right place. Perhaps I am doing something wrong
One more question though: the "Only import new topics" and "Overwrite previously imported things" options probably only work if the imported stuff stays in the Realm Works Import folder, right?

Those two options will work correctly regardless of where the journal entries exist. It uses the realm works UUID to match the realm works entry to the correct journal entry in Foundry - so even a change of name is tracked properly (or at least, it should work for topics whose names have changed).
It seems when I import a .por file, none of the equipment is in the right place. I notice weapons , armor and stuff are in the miscellaneous tab and I cannot get them equipped in the right place. Perhaps I am doing something wrong

If I could have a copy of the .por file, and the name of the game system, I could have a look at what is going wrong.
Version 1.22 has some improvements to the PF1 Actor decoding.

It still isn't perfect, but it is getting closer - and is a lot quicker than manually entering everything into Foundry :)

PF-Traits and PF-Racial-Traits are now processed for Traits.
PF-Feats are now also checked for Feats.
PF-Magic Items are now processed properly again for magic items.
"Spells Memorized" will be added if there are no "Spells Known" in the Portfolio file.
Try to support trait names in the "Pathfinder 1e content" where the trait name has the book source appended to it.
Remove racial attribute bonuses from base attribute values (if race is found in a compendium).
KNOWN BUG: weapons and armour with special qualities are not detected (they are listed in the "Miscellaneous" section of the Inventory).
KNOWN BUG: Natural Armor AC is always copied into the "Natural Armor AC" of the Combat tab, even if it comes from a magic item.

Note that the "Pathfinder 1e content" module will provide a lot of more items than are in the SRD, but some of those items (like bracers of armor +6) are not set up to change your character stats.
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I found one more glitch. I tried to change the setting for "Location of Extracted Assets" from the default to a different folder (in this case Data/media/realmworksimport), and it ruined the import. Only 4 or 5 scenes made it in, and it didn't look like any journal entries made it in. (Lots of errors in the console naturally.) Worked fine in the default location.