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Old May 29th, 2017, 10:55 AM
Reading the Facebook announcement, it doesn't say that these 50 beta testers are getting the Content Market right now. It just says that they can sign up for it.

So maybe the Kickstarter backers aren't being snubbed by "johnny come lately's", like myself. No, I'm not one of those 50. Here I sit in Seattle though and I did start using Realm Works a bit over a year ago.

I don't use Pathfinder myself, but I welcome Pathfinder customers because they have lots of cash to fund development that I will benefit from. That's certainly been true of other Kickstarter projects. I might get the Swords and Wizardry or 5e version, but how many of Frog God's books would exist (or how thick would they be?) without the dedicated wallets of Pathfinder players?
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Old May 29th, 2017, 11:21 AM
Originally Posted by daplunk View Post
Honestly, I get it.

PaizoCon is a huge deal and one I'm sure they are kicking themselves for missing out on being able to show the Content Market in full swing. I'm guessing this is an attempt to create some hype and excitement. We all know its coming and we all know Rob want's to release it as soon as it's ready.

End of the day, more customers means more development which is better for us all.
No, PaizoCon is not a huge deal. PAX and GenCon are huge. PaizoCon is a very small convention as these things go. Beyond the fact that it is the official event held by Paizo it would be just another regional event.

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Old May 29th, 2017, 01:55 PM
Nobody at Paizo Con is getting to see the Content Market today. It was a promotional they could sign up for to get slightly early access while it's in testing. This is in no way going to affect Kickstarter backers as they will have access to the content owed them as soon as it's available as it will be added to their accounts.
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Old May 29th, 2017, 03:01 PM
Keep the faith, guys (or not). There is nothing like RW, and the one thing we can be 100% certain of is that the LWD team isn't taking a long vacation rather than working RW. They overpromised (or over-hoped) initially and for a long while, but I miss the forum contributions. Because we have flamed on them so much, we barely hear anything any more.

One thing that might work rather than release estimates is to maintain a list of issues upon which the release depends. This could be updated weekly so we could get a sense of progress. The list will have items added as testing warrants, but, hopefully, the list will slowly shrink over time, and we can get a sense for progress.

I am not a beta tester, so maybe there is a lot of back-and-forth on the beta boards, but when this program came out, we used to get a lot of vigorous discussion here. Now it is many days or weeks between LWD staff posts. And I don't blame them. They get flame-sprayed almost every time.
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Old May 29th, 2017, 06:35 PM
Originally Posted by BJ View Post
Nobody at Paizo Con is getting to see the Content Market today. It was a promotional they could sign up for to get slightly early access while it's in testing. This is in no way going to affect Kickstarter backers as they will have access to the content owed them as soon as it's available as it will be added to their accounts.
This was a bad move. If anyone gets a chance to sign on to an early access beta it should have been the people on these forums that have been waiting for years while promise after promise after promise is blown right past. I am not affected, because I don't want to be in a beta, but I'm ticked by the disregard. I get that this was a marketing tool and they want to broaden the base. However, they obviously don't appreciate the level of frustration a lot of current owners have. Remember, up until a week or so ago we were operating on the idea of the CM being ready to release by paizo con. We since found out that it is still not ready and early access is being offered to a group of people that have not been waiting years. This feels like when my cable company offers a cheaper rate to the new subscriber and those that have been paying for years get nothing. I do think a beta is a good idea though. I don't want to deal with all the bugs, so I like the idea of the eager beavers working them out before I jump in. I just wish the loyal and patient people here had gotten the first offer.
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Old May 29th, 2017, 11:05 PM
Originally Posted by Maidhc O Casain View Post
Yeah, sorry. I definitely don't get it.

I'm a patient guy, and a huge LoneWolf supporter. I have almost every Pathfinder product for HeroLab, I have purchased a couple of other game systems for HeroLab, and I'm an Alpha Wolf Kickstarter backer for RealmWorks.

I rarely complain about the delays, the waiting, etc. even when there is a tidal wave of such posts coming out. I don't complain about custom calendars not being ready, though they were a major selling point for me. I did not choose to get my money back when LW offered, and still won't because I love this product and I support this company. I don't complain, even though we were assured during the Kickstarter that, while software development carries some risks that delivery schedules won't be met, "the key difference for Realm Works is that most of the work on Realm Works has already been completed, so there’s virtually no risk to product delivery."

But I gotta say, my blood is boiling. Honestly, I don't give a frack if they're kicking themselves for not having the Content Market ready for PaizoCon. They should be kicking themselves for making me wait four years for it. And now because I don't want to spend $600 for a round trip ticket to Seattle and take four or five of my hard earned vacation days to go to PaizoCon and maybe be one of the first 50 at the booth I miss the chance to get "early" () access to what I paid for - wait for it - four years ago!

Shame on you, LoneWolf! After four years, you should be skipping PaizoCon and working on getting the Content Market (and yes, the Kickstarter material, the custom calendars, and all of the other stuff you promised) finished and out the door to the folks who've already bought it, but can't yet use it at its full functionality!

OK, my rant is over. I'm going back to patiently waiting, and you won't hear another word about this from me.
1000% with you on this.
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Old May 30th, 2017, 02:42 AM
Just to be clear LWD you blew it.

I've defended you guys many times on many things. Not this time. You're in the wrong on this.

Not on the not attending PaizoCon part. You probably had to be there. But beta access on a signup sheet for the first 50 people who came by the booth? What were you thinking?

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Old May 30th, 2017, 06:54 AM
Originally Posted by Farnaby View Post
1000% with you on this.

Originally Posted by kbs666 View Post
Just to be clear LWD you blew it.

I've defended you guys many times on many things. Not this time. You're in the wrong on this.

Not on the not attending PaizoCon part. You probably had to be there. But beta access on a signup sheet for the first 50 people who came by the booth? What were you thinking?
Simplified answer....$$

Personally, I will probably find little to no benefit from the content market, but since LWD has been hiding behind this excuse to finish everything else they have promised for YEARS (insert Calendars, individual character reveal, etc) it is the only reason I hope for its completion.

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Old May 30th, 2017, 07:06 AM
Originally Posted by Maidhc O Casain View Post
Yeah, sorry. I definitely don't get it.

I'm a patient guy, and a huge LoneWolf supporter. I have almost every Pathfinder product for HeroLab, I have purchased a couple of other game systems for HeroLab, and I'm an Alpha Wolf Kickstarter backer for RealmWorks.

I rarely complain about the delays, the waiting, etc. even when there is a tidal wave of such posts coming out. I don't complain about custom calendars not being ready, though they were a major selling point for me. I did not choose to get my money back when LW offered, and still won't because I love this product and I support this company. I don't complain, even though we were assured during the Kickstarter that, while software development carries some risks that delivery schedules won't be met, "the key difference for Realm Works is that most of the work on Realm Works has already been completed, so there’s virtually no risk to product delivery."

But I gotta say, my blood is boiling. Honestly, I don't give a frack if they're kicking themselves for not having the Content Market ready for PaizoCon. They should be kicking themselves for making me wait four years for it. And now because I don't want to spend $600 for a round trip ticket to Seattle and take four or five of my hard earned vacation days to go to PaizoCon and maybe be one of the first 50 at the booth I miss the chance to get "early" () access to what I paid for - wait for it - four years ago!

Shame on you, LoneWolf! After four years, you should be skipping PaizoCon and working on getting the Content Market (and yes, the Kickstarter material, the custom calendars, and all of the other stuff you promised) finished and out the door to the folks who've already bought it, but can't yet use it at its full functionality!

OK, my rant is over. I'm going back to patiently waiting, and you won't hear another word about this from me.
I agree, unacceptable, unbelievable, and plain stupid.

Thank you LWD and Rob for your support. I am sorry for giving mine, and everyone else who has been here saying just wait, it will be great. Yeah your reward for loyalty.

You don't count.

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Old May 30th, 2017, 11:13 AM
Originally Posted by Maidhc O Casain View Post
Yeah, sorry. I definitely don't get it.
I do get it - Wolf Lair have to advertise the product somehow, they have wages etc. to pay after all and they have to get people to buy it somehow - but I can also see why people are peeved.

There are lots of things I want to see that actually, for me, come ahead of the Content Market (calendars, player access through browsers) but I do see that they are relying on people to buy aspects of the Content Market to keep in business.

I would have been happier if Wolf Lair had found something else to attract visitors to their booth at PaizoCon - it seems to me that it raises Pathfinder above other games systems and rather steps on the faces of the people her who've been around a long time, not to mention the Kickstarters (I wasn't one, but I wish I had been).

So yes, I know why they did it, but I rather wish they'd found something else to bring the customers flocking.


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