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    - The Lone Wolf Development Team

Advanced Bestiary - Green Ronin

Are you looking at the newest creatures for your examples, or the oldest ones?

All I do is try to bootstrap something before creating anything new. If I find multiple copies of the same ability, then to save myself the time of comparing each one I just create a New (Copy) and continue the trend. I hadn't noticed that you were switching to using common abilities instead of individual copies, so I will change my habits accordingly.

Do we have a list we can refer to of which abilities are being used as universal, or are we just referring to what are defined in the Bestiaries? I notice there are multiple copies of things like Blood Drain, Darkness, Disease, Energy Drain, Fear Aura, the list goes on. I'm sure not all of these can be used universally and require unique versions, but it would save me time and help me to stop re-creating when I don't need to if I knew what I should be able to use as is.
A couple more tips I sort of remembered while talking to someone else last night.

1) If you want to use stuff that ONLY comes in CORE you can set HL to load only the CORE package. You can do this for an individual data set. Go to "Develop->Skip Supplement Packages" and once checked HL will only load the CORE data set for Pathfinder.

2) I assume at some point we will be making .por files for the monsters and there is a newer feature we should all be using to make sure the .por files open nice on other gamers computers. Just before you save the .por file go to "Develop->Prepare Portfolio for Distribution" as this will correctly set all your sources for you. This will help prevent less errors when someone else opens the .por file.

So two tips I hope others find useful.

Version 1.2 is out the DOOR. Awesome job everyone! :D

For those working on this either a) make sure you grab the latest files out of the DropBox in the 1.2 folder or b) install the update into its own Folder so that you can get the latest files.

Please please as I have done a good amount of work on the files and I would prefer to not lose those changes.

Thanks :)