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Adding Extra Feat


New member
I'm wondering how it is possible to add an extra feat to a character.

I know how to create a custom feat in the editor, that's not what I mean. The GM has created a custom feat for the game, and we characters get it for free.

I can add it, but then HL validation crabs at me - so I guess I really need to figure out how to affect that validation in some way. Or I guess I could learn to live with it, but everything is so customizable I feel sure that this must be something that is possible.

Many thanks!

This is assuming you're talking about Pathfinder. If you're adding a feat in d20, M&M, or 4ed, the details will differ slightly:

Adjust tab - Other Adjustments table
find the "Feats, Total" adjustment, add it, and then set it to +1
I know this is an old post but this is where Google brought me. This process no longer seems valid in HeroLab Classic for Pathfinder. What is the updated workflow?

Pathfinder 1... Adjustments: On the Adjust tab, 'Other Adjustments'. Then you want "Feats Allowed".
Thank you, but is there a way to add a specific feat like Exotic Weapon proficiency (granted by a magic weapon)?
Thank you, but is there a way to add a specific feat like Exotic Weapon proficiency (granted by a magic weapon)?

Yes, but that involves the editor and not an adjustment to a Hero.
If your PC has been given an item in your game that grants proficiency then you can use the adjustment. Simple and fast.
You can go to the trouble of create the magic weapon itself in the editor and define all the bonuses and special ability it grants. If that's the case, I can offer some advice, but the question should be asked in the forum for the system you are playing.