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Curious if there are still folks playing 4E, or trying to...


New member
Curious if there are still folks playing 4E, or trying to... we've been playing since 2008'ish. WotC has killed off the ancient CB silver-light app finally, woe is us and a pox on them. This is not intended to start a flame war over the merits of one system over another! Just like everyone chooses their vehicle for their own reasons (Ford! Chevy! Mazda! Tesla!) its all perception and preference. I'm hoping to get some help with transitioning out of the online Character Builder and to Lone Wolf for my groups characters. I've owned Wolf Lair software for probably 7+ years (I forget when I bought the licenses I own).
We're still playing 4th edition in spite of the death of the character builder. I've had Hero Labs for years. Now leaning on it as the new character builder. I keep checking the fan-based support site but it seems to have dwindled. I think we need to get 4th edition users of Hero Lab involved and posting.

There are tweaks that need to be made to the data files. A group effort would be helpful to keep the 4e flame alive.
We are playing the 4e version of Zeitgeist: The Gears of Revolution with sessions every other week; three of the players are using Hero lab for our characters and the GM also has it so he can check our portfolios (though he uses other tools for himself).

We have been fixing/implementing things that impact our characters, and adding the Zeitgeist-related material we need.
Emphatically yes! My group still play 4e as our edition of choice, and have been using HeroLab for years because it's the easiest builder to get all our homebrew content into. That also means I'm perpetually knee-deep in fixing HL's 4e scraper errors (we share those over on hl4e.cryptoknight.org), but... such is life :p
The only game available to me is 4th, sadly. We've been trying to find a character builder, and the demo has 4E, but there's no listing of it anywhere else on the site. How do I use the program?
Also, we're finding a lot of errors and omissions. My sweetie is running a sword mage, and can't get all his skills to appear. I'm running an Elementalist sorceress, and her class doesn't seem to be in there at all.
We'd love options.
Oh, I somehow missed this post :o

Full access to the 4e files is gotten by purchasing the Authoring Kit game system package (which as a bonus will also give you access to Savage Worlds). I'm not sure what you get in demo mode, but once you have full access you'll probably want to go into Configure Hero and turn on pretty much all the sources.

If you want to try out our group's unofficial bugfix update to the official system, there's a post here with our latest version.
I have been finishing a master's degree so I have been away for some time now. BUT YES my group has never stopped playing 4E and the majority of us this is the system for us!
So much so that my group runs every year at GenCon to sold-out tables.
This Year brings a 4-5 year GenCon campaign to a conclusion!
We, mostly all, use HL as our character system but there are some issues, that When I can I try and fix!
I have had 4e on my shelf for ages.
I never played it, but I realised when playing 13th Age how key it was to the development of the game and have been dipping into the Monster Manual.
Well a friend decided to buy 4e and now he's all up for a campaign, so I may be playing it after all!
HL 4e character build has some issues. Some issues are quick fixes, while others would require in-depth modifications. Personally, I would like to see a re-write of the character sheet. The powers are mixed in together and some mixed in with items, etc. It's been years since I coded but I should look at it. It would be great to compile a list of know issues and have the community work the list.
If you want some bug fixes, you can check out our totally unofficial 4e update in this topic. I agree that someone who was really willing and able to get deep into the depths of the Authoring Kit (which wasn't us) could probably do some amazing things with the 4e system files, but it would definitely be a project.
Hello Everyone,
Still Playing 4E and not moving onto any of the new D&D systems here! See if any others are still out there?
Still here and kicking! Even occasionally pushing new community updates for the system, when there are fixes to be shared :}
I'm still playing as well. We have a monthly get together for our on-going campaign. Hoping to see more updates to the system/data files.