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Missing Slayer Advanced Talent


New member
I am not able to find most of the Slayer Advanced Talents on a Ankou's Shadow Slayer. I have the Advance Class Guide enabled. Is this a bug or am I missing something?
I am not able to find most of the Slayer Advanced Talents on a Ankou's Shadow Slayer. I have the Advance Class Guide enabled. Is this a bug or am I missing something?

Are they actual SLAYER talents (I see all of those), or Rogue/Advanced Rogue Talents?
Don't forget that some Talents are from other books: Adv Players Guide, Ultimate Combat... try enabling those too. If this doesn't work, what exactly can't you see?
t's possible that you may be encountering a bug or overlooking something. Here are a few troubleshooting steps you can try:

Ensure that you have the "Ankou's Shadow Slayer" archetype selected for your character.
Double-check that the "Advance Class Guide" sourcebook is enabled in your game settings.
Verify that your character meets any prerequisites for accessing the Slayer Advanced Talents.
If you're using a third-party character sheet or tool, make sure it's up-to-date and correctly implementing the rules for the Ankou's Shadow Slayer archetype.
If you're still unable to find the Slayer Advanced Talents, consider reaching out to the game's developer or community support for further assistance.
If none of these steps resolve the issue, it's possible that there may indeed be a bug or error in the game system you're using.