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Apprentice Account Issue


I have a player who just purchased his Apprentice account. He's connected to my Patron campaign, but for some reason the system still says he's got a Free account. What can we do to remediate that issue?
For all practical purposes, an Apprentice account on its own behaves exactly the same as a Demo/Free account. The key distinction is that an Apprentice account can also utilized your shared content within your campaigns. For that to work, two important steps are required:

1. The GM must ensure that content sharing is enabled within the campaign. This is achieved via the "Settings" tab on the left within the campaign. You'll see an option to toggle content sharing on/off.

2. The player must ensure that the character is owned by the campaign. When creating a new character, this is the default option presented for Apprentice accounts, but it's merely the default and can be switched to the player during creation. After creation, the player can assign ownership to the campaign by going to the "PCs and Players" tab on the left within the campaign. The vertical ellipsis menu for the player's PC provides an option to assign ownership to the campaign. Doing so enables content sharing on the character.

It sounds like we still need to improve the messaging and clarity of how all this stuff works. If you have some concrete suggestions on how to accomplish this, or if your player has some suggestions, please let us know.

Hope this helps!
I appreciate the reply. I did all of that, and my players are still unable to proceed with their Apprentice level accounts. They are limited in the number of spells they can select, etc. And the error message they get says that they are limited because their accounts are "free".

I've personally verified that every one of my players has purchased an Apprentice level account for 4+ months. What can be done to get them operational?
I rebuilt my campaign, and now my players are able to do this.

I'm not really sure what changed, other than the fact that my campaign was built prior to my players having their accounts. But I'd think that wouldn't matter.

As for your request for advice on how to make this clearer, I think that I ran into a bug. If the bug wasn't there, it wouldn't be so difficult. So I'm not sure that there needs to be a clarification on the process per se.

Though I would advise making it clearer on your HLO Products page that the price for the memberships are not per month. As you can see on https://www.wolflair.com/hlo/, it just says the price but it never sets the term. I was VERY pleasantly surprised to learn that Patron level access is only $24.99 for six months. I was dismayed when I thought that it was $24.99 per month, which would make it staggeringly expensive.
Though I would advise making it clearer on your HLO Products page that the price for the memberships are not per month. As you can see on https://www.wolflair.com/hlo/, it just says the price but it never sets the term. I was VERY pleasantly surprised to learn that Patron level access is only $24.99 for six months. I was dismayed when I thought that it was $24.99 per month, which would make it staggeringly expensive.

Two of the prices on the page are for 6 months, one is for 4 months.