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Add-on packages not appearing for existing characters


New member
When I purchase an add-on package, the content does not appear for characters that already exists at time of purchase. For example, I just purchased COM, and the new classes are available when I create a new character. When I open an old character (created before I purchased COM) and try to add a new class level, only the core class are available.

How do I make purchased content available for existing characters?
Open the character you want to use the new stuff on and go to the settings screen for the character. Check to see if the box next to the new stuff is checked and if not, click to turn it on for that particular character. If it IS checked already it's probably something more serious, but i don't think buying new stuff changes the settings of characters that have already been created.
Thank you! I knew it had to be something like that, but for some reason I couldn't find the right screen.
Can someone at LW address this issue in a future fix? Why should I need to go through each and every one of my existing characters and select this for any new content, especially for big things like the hardcovers?

And separately but related, I just bought Signal of Screams. Content immediately became available for some of my existing characters automatically, but not all. You can imagine my confusion over why I could see certain feats on some of my characters, but not on others.
Yeah, an "Auto-Apply New Sources on Purchase" checkbox, usable per-character, or account-wide, would be excellent.