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Old December 22nd, 2018, 11:24 PM
I'm sure everyone has seen it by now, but just in case...

The Beta is wrapped. There is now a production release that includes full 64-bit support and all the other assorted changes we've been making. A few more bug fixes and lots more quality of life improvements have been addressed since the last Beta release. So we now have a ton of new stuff officially out of Beta and into everyone's hands. You should be prompted to obtain this new production release directly within Realm Works.

We're going to be taking some time to regroup and reassess before taking the next step. And much of the entire staff will be taking some well-earned and much needed downtime over the holidays.

Here's wishing everyone happy holidays and an amazing new year!

Thanks, Rob
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Old January 1st, 2019, 08:03 PM
Happy New Year to everybody!!!

Here's a quick update on where things currently stand...

There are a few small things we'll be wrapping up within the desktop client very shortly. After that, we'll be focusing on the remaining server-side pieces to get the Content Market finally launched, which includes all of the Paizo integration work. Keep your fingers crossed there are no major gotchas in getting that stuff into place in the weeks ahead.

Thanks, Rob
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Old January 14th, 2019, 05:17 PM
It's time for another update...

As you've probably heard (it was announced last week), we're performing a massive server migration to a new hosting provider tomorrow. This migration was prompted by repeated problems we've had with our previous hosting provider - problems which some of you have unfortunately experienced the effects of.

We have about a dozen different servers for a wide range of purposes, most of which are in communication with one another. Doing something like this properly entails a huge amount of preparation and testing. and we've been gearing up over the past couple weeks. We need to make sure that everyone's data comes across in perfect order and that everything has been quadruple checked before we cut over. Since we're bringing ALL the servers across at once, it means we're migrating Realm Works, Hero Lab Online, Hero Lab Classic, Sales, internal development servers, etc. There are a LOT of pieces, and a lot of details involved.

Needless to say, we're swamped with the migration right now, and we've been highly distracted from development work since this migration became an urgent necessity (i.e. for the past couple weeks). So I don't really have anything of substance to report regarding Realm Works in this update. A bit of forward progress has been made on the development side, but nothing of note to share. Once we get the migration completed tomorrow, things will hopefully begin to get back to normal. By the end of the week, I expect we'll be back to getting pieces of the Content Market into place again. And then I'll hopefully have some progress to report on Realm Works development next week.

Thanks, Rob
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Old January 29th, 2019, 07:05 AM
The migration is complete but there have been a lot of little wrinkles to work out. Rob and team have been locked away in their cave making progress with the fixes and integrating the next steps needed for the Content Market, but rest assured work is moving forward. My apologies for not being on top of this the last week or so, we had a family death and I was focused on family for much of the time.
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Old February 8th, 2019, 05:52 PM
For those of you waiting on a Realm Works update, I’m pleased to announce that we’ve finally passed a critical milestone with the Paizo integration thanks to their aid. Having done so, we’re now working hard to get everything properly tested and into place for the launch of the Content Market. While we can’t make any guarantees, we’re hopeful we’ll have good news for everyone in the very near future.

Happy gaming!

Last edited by BJ; February 8th, 2019 at 05:54 PM.
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Old February 27th, 2019, 07:25 AM
Just a small update today. Nothing groundbreaking to report. We're working closely with Paizo to resolve last-minute glitches in the API in order to hopefully ensure everything goes smoothly for Content Market launch. The Realm Works team is also reviewing content and making sure everything is as polished as it can be while we wait.
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Old March 14th, 2019, 11:25 AM
If I detailed everything that's happened over the past six weeks, nobody would believe it. Take all the crazy events and setbacks that have happened over the past few years, then pack smaller versions of them into a very compressed timespan, and you might make it into the same zipcode. We've been trying to pull all the final bits together for well over a month, and it's been like one of those movies where things go from bad, to worse, to "are you serious?" The problems have ranged from the reasonable, to the stupid, to outside parties, to the downright absurd.

The good news is that there haven't been any new showstoppers uncovered this week, and the remaining problems are being wrangled into submission. We will have a new version of Realm Works out shortly (probably Monday) that addresses some key issues. Barring the discovery of any new bombshells, we'll be delivering the Kickstarter content to everyone once the new Realm Works release goes out (first half of next week). And once all that is in place, we'll officially launch the Content Market (hopefully Wednesday, but could slip to the following week, since we won't be launching it any closer to the weekend).

Based on our track record, I don't expect anyone to believe any of this until they actually see it. Heck, you can count me among that group, too. I've reached the point where I half-expect something new to go wrong every time I turn around. But it appears that we've made it through the gauntlet at this point.

Please keep your fingers crossed for us, and have a great weekend!

Thanks, Rob
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Old March 18th, 2019, 07:04 PM
It's time to check your Realm Works accounts for new goodies!

Everyone at the Wolflair has been hard at work ensuring the many kinks and bugs are worked through to bring you the Content Market and we’re happy to say we’re finally reaching the end. The content below has been delivered to backers and barring complications, which we've learned are always possible, we hope to have the Content Market itself available within a week.

Pack Members & Up
· Have been issued Creature Components for Pathfinder by Playground Adventures.
· Have been issued Creature Components for 5th Edition by Playground Adventures.

Pack Hunters & Up
· Have been issued Pirate’s Guide to Freeport for Pathfinder.
· Have been issued The Freeport Companion.

Timber Wolf & Up
· Have been issued Razor Coast.
· Have been issued The Grande Temple of Jing.

Those of you awaiting Blight replacements and server time extensions, we will be providing those at Market launch.

Many thanks to all of you who have patiently waited for your items and supported us along the way.

Happy Gaming!
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Old March 20th, 2019, 11:45 AM
In my last post, I said that this whole process had progressed to the "Are you serious?" level of setbacks. So I thought I would share yet another...

Important contextual detail: We all telecommute, so all of our servers are hosted in one place and we use VPN to access them from locations spanning the entire US.

This morning, we began the process of rolling out the Content Market, as planned. The appropriate servers were taken offline, backups initiated, etc. However, not long after starting, the developer orchestrating the rollout lost his internet connection. His entire neighborhood lost internet, with an estimated outage time of 4 hours from the ISP. Thankfully, the actual updates process had not yet begun, so someone else was able to bring the servers back online, with everything operating as it had before.

But this is what I mean by "Are you serious?". We just started the rollout and the entire neighborhood where the developer lives has a massive internet outage. <sigh>

At this point, we are still waiting for the developer to regain internet access. Then we will re-assess whether to launch this afternoon, reschedule to tomorrow, or wait until next week. We hate taking down servers in the evenings when gamers may be playing, and we also hate releasing right before the weekend, just in case there's an issue we didn't catch in our testing. So all three options suck. In any case, those are the options before us, and we're weighing how best to proceed.

Thanks, Rob
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Old March 20th, 2019, 02:44 PM
It's now too late in the day to do a release, as most gamers on the East Coast are in final preparations or have even started their evening games. And we don't want to wait until next week. So we're rescheduling the launch for tomorrow morning (Thursday). It's closer to the weekend than we'd like, but it seems like the least bad of the available options.

Everyone please send positive thoughts our way. We really want to avoid yet another ridiculous surprise tomorrow.
rob is offline   #20
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