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Adjustments for Junk Armor spell


Well-known member
I am unable to figure out how to use the temporary armor adjustments. I want to set up adjustments that I can enable when my character is using the junk armor spell.

Light or heavy armor you create requires proficiency to use without penalties as normal. If you use this spell to create light armor, the armor has an EAC bonus equal to your caster level, a KAC bonus equal to your caster level + 2, and a maximum Dex bonus equal to 1 + one-quarter your caster level. Using junk armor to temporarily turn light armor into heavy armor increases the armor’s EAC bonus by 1 and its KAC bonus by 2, reduces its maximum Dexterity bonus by 3, and worsens its armor check penalty by 2.

So, for a 2nd level character, if I use the spell to enhance Estex I armor, I should be able to increase its EAC by 2, its KAC by 4, and reduce its max Dex bonus by 2 and its armor check penalty by 2.

But when I add a temporary armor statistics adjustment and select the Estex
I armor I have equipped, I don't see a block that allows me to enter a number that modifies the statistic. Am I missing something?

This is a bug - adjustments aren't showing their customization settings right now. This has been previously reported to our bug tracking system by others, and the fix is ready for the next release. Thank you for reporting the issue yourself.
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Since my question also relates to the implementation of Junk Armor, I was wondering how you go about using its other feature of creating armor from scratch? Like how do I modify my EAC and KAC etc without being tied to a piece of armor? Or does junk armor need to be added in as a light armor in the equipment?