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HL on Win 8 Tablet


Well-known member
So, I recently picked up a Windows 8 Tablet, pretty much exclusively for HeroLab use. Got the program installed, and it works great. Except for two issues.

First, if I don't have a mouse plugged in, it gives me an error and fails to start. The program works just fine with the touch interface, but I have to carry around a mouse with me just to start up the program.

Similarly, if I align the tablet vertically on startup, I'm told the resolution is too small. Granted, for most purposes the horizontal is better in that case, but there's no harm in allowing it to work vertically.

Is there a particular reason for these limitations? Legacy? Is there any likelihood of their being removed in the future?
The mouse requirement is from back in the day when not everyone had a mouse connected to their computer (I think there were still some people without one, even on Windows 95). I'll remove that test for the next version, since it's no longer worth checking for.

We test Hero Lab under the assumption that there's room for the main editing area, the dashboard, and a single summary panel; if you're running in portrait mode on a tablet, you may not have room for all 3 of those. I'll put improving Hero Lab's behavior on our to-do list for the future; in the mean time, the next version will warn you the first time when you start at a resolution that's too low, but otherwise won't complain.

Hope this helps!