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Old November 13th, 2007, 03:50 PM
Lawful_g wrote:
> Entering a Race now, Baaz Draconian from Dragons of Krynn, and I'm
> having trouble with the implementing of natural weapons. Baaz have 2
> claws (thier primary) and a Bite (secondary, takes a -5 penalty) I can't
> seem to figure out how to designate the claws as primary so they don't
> take the -5 penalty.

Assign your primary weapon the tag "Helper.NatPrimary" and secondary
weapons the tag "Helper.NatSecond". That should make penalties calculate

> Looking through the already entered races, they all have the "wClaw" or
> "wBite" thing bootstrapped to the race with a Autotag group of wMain and
> then a Tag that varies from weapon to weapon. I think the Tag must
> determine the damage of the weapon, which I have correctly at base d4,
> but incorrectly getting only 1/2 str bonus... My best guess is that the
> Tag also somehow determines primary and secondary attack
> characteristics, and wMain must refer to main/off hand.

Secondary natural attacks should all get half your strength bonus, so
this should work as soon as you designate it as "Primary" properly.

> Interestingly, it looks like the Troll and the Gargoyle and possibly
> others with natural attacks (I have not checked others) are also
> registering all thier natural attacks as secondary. I think this might
> be a bug

Hmm, you're right. I'll check the existing races for this.

> So, just to sum up, my problems are.
> 1: Can't specify the wClaw thing as a primary weapon so it doesn't
> suffer -5 to attack and get 1/2 str bonus to damage
> 2: Possible bug in current implementation of natural attacks for races
> already added.
> By the way, thanks for helping me out. I really like how customer
> friendly your company is, and I'll just continue to post questions in
> this thread as I run up against problems.

Awesome! That's what we're here for.

Hope this helps,

Colen McAlister, colen@wolflair.com
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Old November 13th, 2007, 03:56 PM
Lawful_g wrote:
> Next race of Draconians is Bozak, who have natural ability as sorcerors.
> They automatically cast spells as 4th level sorcerors, and if they add
> the sorceror class thier sorceror levels stack with thier natural
> ability in all ways (so a 1st level bozak sorceror would have a Caster
> level of 5, know as many spells and cast as many times per day as a 5th
> level sorceror). Is there any way to do this in hero lab? I know
> prestige classes can add spellcasting levels, but can a race? Also just
> adding to existing sorceror levels doesn't exactly suffice, because what
> if the bozak doesn't take any further levels in sorceror, becomes a
> fighter perhaps? He'd still have the spellcasting ability of his race.

You can do this just like the Rashasa does. In a script that runs at
First/0, do this:

hero.child[cHelpSor].field[cBonusLev].value += 4

And make sure to bootstrap the cHelpSor thing (the Sorcerer class). You
should get a bonus 4 levels of sorcerer, which should stack properly
with all other class levels you take.

> An additional thing, some of the other draconian races get different
> abilities depending on sex, for example male Kapak have venomous saliva,
> but female Kapak have healing saliva. Is there a way to tie racial
> abilities to the gender selection of the character?

There's currently no good way to do this. I'll make sure to add tags to
indicate whether you're male or female in a future release. Once those
are in, you can use them to hide certain abilities based on whether you
do or don't have the correct tag.

Hope this helps,

Colen McAlister, colen@wolflair.com
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Old November 13th, 2007, 03:59 PM
Lawful_g wrote:
> Similar problem to the spellcasting above, Kapaks get 1d6 of sneak
> attack damage from thier race as well, so how to make that stack with
> sneak attack from rogue levels?... I guess the general question is how
> to make abilities normally granted by classes be granted by races and
> make them easily stackable?

You can add 4 dice of sneak attack damage by bootstrapping the
"xSneakAtt" thing and then doing the following:

hero.child[xSneakAtt].field[Value].value += 4

That should add 4 dice to your sneak attack ability, regardless of which
class it comes from.

Colen McAlister, colen@wolflair.com
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Old November 13th, 2007, 04:00 PM
Lawful_g wrote:

> Also, I noticed a small error. Both Bugbears and Hobgoblins are
> correctly getting a +4 bonus to Move Silently, but in the specials tab
> Hobgoblins have the same entry for racial skill bonuses as Bugbears and
> the summary incorrectly states +2, as well as citing the source as the
> Bugbear race rather than the hobgoblin one. Darkvision for Hobgoblin
> race also states it's source as bugbear.

Oh, forgot to mention - thanks for this bug, I'll get it fixed!

Colen McAlister, colen@wolflair.com
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Old November 13th, 2007, 07:52 PM
Lawful_g wrote:
> Actually I did figure several of these out after a couple of hours. For
> the different abilities based on gender I made two seperate races, one
> for male and the other for female, but just out of curiousity is there a
> way to make gender selection automatic or a prerequisite? I know there
> are some prestige classes that can only be taken by women (Beloved of
> Valorian from Exalted Deeds I think it was called? Unicorn riding
> virginal female rangers was the idea...).

I think I covered this in my other response.

> For natural spellcasting I found the entry for Rakshasa and the way that
> was solved was by bootstrapping the cHelpSor panel and adding an Eval
> script that gave however many levels of the class. The problem with this
> is that in addition to the spellcasting you also get the base saves and
> attack bonus of the sorceror of that level. I just lowered the base
> save/attack of the draconian race by an equal amount, so it works at
> first... the problem lies when you add levels of sorceror the base save
> and attack bonuses are thrown off by the levels the race already has. It
> doesn't, for example, give +2 to will saves at first level.

Hmm, good point. I guess I need to distinguish between "Casts Spells as
a level 7 sorcerer" and "Gets a free 7 levels of Sorcerer". I'll see if
I can fix that...

> Theoretically I could also use this principle to add sneak attack via
> rogue levels, but that would be even more messy because rogues have
> special abilities that are thrown off by 1 level...

This should also have been covered in another post.

> Also one of the natural abilities of an Aurak is a ray attack that deals
> 4d6 damage. I made a weapon entry for it, but it can't go up to 4d6
> damage. I'd like to know what the tag to assign 4d6 as the damage is,
> since 1d4_4 is apparently d6 if I remember right. Would it be 4d4_4
> maybe? I'd try it but I am not at home right now. Is there a table with
> this information somewhere in the Authoring kit docs?

Unfortunately that's currently not supported, but you're the second
person to ask for it. I'll bump up its priority on the to-do list.


Colen McAlister, colen@wolflair.com
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Old November 14th, 2007, 06:06 PM
Originally Posted by Colen
Assign your primary weapon the tag "Helper.NatPrimary" and secondary
weapons the tag "Helper.NatSecond". That should make penalties calculate
fyi, this worked for me when entering the Thri-kreen. It shows the correct bonuses for secondary & primary attacks, and when I add the Multiattack feat it correctly modifies the secondary attack bonus.
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Old November 20th, 2007, 02:34 PM
Thanks Colen, you too hunter.

I have another question. I'm entering the Mystic class, which is a spontaneous divine spellcaster that uses the same spell list as the cleric but only gets one domain. Similarly to the sorceror they can only know a limited number of spells of each level. I'm having trouble dealing with the domain.

I don't know how to make it show up on the panel. I copied the Cleric class, but I didn't see any bootstrapped abilities that were for the domains. Looking through the Eval Rules and scripts I couldn't find anything referencing domains either. I even recopied the cleric class without any changes other than the name and on the panel for this new class the section for domain and deity were absent...

So, how do I add a single domain selection for the Mystic cass?

A second issue, for after that one is solved. The Mystic gains the domain spells of his domain as bonus spells known, so for example, at 1st level he knows 5 0th level spells, 2 1st level spells, and the 1st level spell for the domain he has chosen. How do I make the domain the mystic selects add a certain spell as a bonus spell to his spells known? I understand that I will have to use the "Replaces ID" box and re enter values for all the domains in the PHB, which is going to be a chore. I'm asking about the coding aspect here.

I'll definitely have more questions over the long weekend, when I can have hero lab open and be visiting this forum simultaneously. I haven't had Internet at home for the last week or so, but it's supposed to be turned on tomorrow. I never realize how much I rely on the net for everything from study to entertainment to business until it is stripped from me.

Anyway. I hope everyone else can relax and doze on Thanksgiving. I know I'm going to be busy.
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Old November 24th, 2007, 07:43 AM
If you edit the dat file by hand you can make this work. It's a little complicated if you copy/paste the base cleric panel stuff from srd_class_cleric.dat, because you'll have to rename a lot of the things to prevent duplicates... but open that file and find this code:
    <portalref portal="cClrDomSpl" taborder="60"/>
    <portalref portal="cClrSpells" taborder="70"/>
    <portalref portal="cClrDom1" taborder="40"/>
    <portalref portal="cClrDom2" taborder="50"/>
Notice the 4 "portalref" statements below that? The last two of those are for the two Domains... if the 2nd one were removed, and any references to that second portal, it will only show 1 domain on the class panel.

Hope this makes sense!
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Old November 24th, 2007, 02:29 PM

Making this manual change works - for now. However, the below technique is *NOT* guaranteed to continue working into the future. So be advised that future changes to HL could break your data files if you use this technique.

We're in the process of revamping lots of internal mechanisms. Our goal is to make everything as easy as possible for users, and we regularly tweak and tune things internally towards that goal. Things are also changing as we work towards getting the Authoring Kit ready for letting users create their own data files from scratch for new games.

The net result is that changing data file code that relies on undocumented internal mechanisms could break in future releases. So please be mindful of this liability when making such changes.


At 08:43 AM 11/24/2007, you wrote:
If you edit the dat file by hand you can make this work. It's a little complicated if you copy/paste the base cleric panel stuff from srd_class_cleric.dat, because you'll have to rename a lot of the things to prevent duplicates... but open that file and find this code:
* <layout
*** id="cleric">
*** <portalref portal="cClrDomSpl" taborder="60"/>
*** <portalref portal="cClrSpells" taborder="70"/>
*** <portalref portal="cClrDom1" taborder="40"/>
*** <portalref portal="cClrDom2" taborder="50"/>

Notice the 4 "portalref" statements below that? The last two of those are for the two Domains... if the 2nd one were removed, and any references to that second portal, it will only show 1 domain on the class panel.

Hope this makes sense!
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Old November 24th, 2007, 08:19 PM
All we need to add now is a sound clip... "Danger Will Robinson!"

Thanks for pointing this out. I made a slightly modified version of the Cleric by duplicating the SRD version and making the changes necessary, but the default class panel that was generated didn't have a domain entry. I managed to "hack" one together by copying the panel & layout stuff from the srd cleric file, then modifying a few key things. Hopefully it will stay functional for awhile longer? Oh well, if it changes then it changes
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