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Old August 18th, 2005, 01:42 PM
I am in the same situation.. Thats why I have been so active in this thread.... I purchased the software a few months ago, have spent several long day and nights inputting all of my cards and now stopped at saviors and 9th. I have the cards seperated for now, but I can not add them to my collection right now otherwise I would throw off my inventory, and decks, since I would have half electronic and half not since the data files are not ready. I too understand that MtG isnt the sole purpose of CV, but im sure its one of the most used databases.

Is WolfLair.com going to offer some sort of incentive to keep customers or anything since as previously posted the data files are going to take a lot longer to be released? I ask because people purchase their software, then a new deck or 2 come out and not its really "not supported" yet... where the user could of bought some other ccg software that is current.

Sorry, Im just fustrated, I have several boxes of cards to add, but cant since no data is availible yet.
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Old August 23rd, 2005, 09:35 AM
Just for the record, we've been tearing our hair out on this end, too. :-) :-(

We just got back from GenCon late last night, and here's the update from the show. We spoke with Joe Hauck, who is the VP overseeing Magic. He stepped in and orchestrated things at the show in an effort to get things squared away for us. At this point, we supposedly should be seeing the complete data we need late this week or early next week. Everybody is in catch-up mode after the show, so it's not something that Wizards can get us overnight, but it shouldn't take too long now. Assuming we get the data, we'll get the data files updated within a few days of receiving it. The exact time depends on how differently the data is formatted from the way we used to get it (i.e. how much of a rewrite we need to do on the converter).

If we DON'T get the data in timely fashion, then we'll put together an incomplete, stop-gap set of files from the data we do have. This will at least get everybody something they can work with until we get this sorted out. Since that's a bunch of throw-away work I'd rather avoid, this won't be done unless Wizards falls through again. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that having Joe step in will clear up issues quickly.

Thanks again for everyone's patience. I'm really sorry that this has happened, but we've been doing our best to get things sorted out and we unfortunately don't have control over anything at Wizards.

Thanks, Rob

At 02:42 PM 8/18/2005, you wrote:

I am in the same situation.. Thats why I have been so active in this thread.... I purchased the software a few months ago, have spent several long day and nights inputting all of my cards and now stopped at saviors and 9th. I have the cards seperated for now, but I can not add them to my collection right now otherwise I would throw off my inventory, and decks, since I would have half electronic and half not since the data files are not ready. I too understand that MtG isnt the sole purpose of CV, but im sure its one of the most used databases.

Is WolfLair.com going to offer some sort of incentive to keep customers or anything since as previously posted the data files are going to take a lot longer to be released? I ask because people purchase their software, then a new deck or 2 come out and not its really "not supported" yet... where the user could of bought some other ccg software that is current.

Sorry, Im just fustrated, I have several boxes of cards to add, but cant since no data is availible yet.
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Old September 2nd, 2005, 10:42 AM
I would like to know if cardvault will be supporting Saviors of Kamigawa and 9th edition any time soon. The next block of cards is about to come out this month and now I'm already 2 sets behind in files. My license expire this month also, if the new data files are not out by then why should I bother tro renew my license? If there is any thing that I could do to help please feel free to let me know. I would like atleast a minor data file of card name and the basics.
LeMunsivvi is offline   #13 Reply With Quote
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Old September 2nd, 2005, 11:14 AM
Just after GenCon, we finally received data for both Saviors and 9th
Edition from Wizards of the Coast. We expect to have data files up for both
sets very soon, and in advance of Ravnica. We expect to be able to get
Ravnica data up on or immediately after the release date, but again that
will be dependent on how soon we can get data from WotC. Our hope is that
now that we've ironed out the kinks with Saviors and 9th, we'll have a
workable standard process that will get information to us and thus to you
in a much more timely fashion.

Thanks for hanging with us on this one. We appreciate your patience, and
your continued support for Card Vault.


At 11:42 AM 9/2/2005, you wrote:

>I would like to know if cardvault will be supporting Saviors of Kamigawa
>and 9th edition any time soon. The next block of cards is about to come
>out this month and now I'm already 2 sets behind in files. My license
>expire this month also, if the new data files are not out by then why
>should I bother tro renew my license? If there is any thing that I could
>do to help please feel free to let me know. I would like atleast a minor
>data file of card name and the basics.


Brian Mitchell
Director of Sales & Marketing
Lone Wolf Development
Phone: 253-447-4979
Fax: 253-299-6487
email: brian@wolflair.com
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Old September 5th, 2005, 04:57 PM
Brian omitted a few imprtant details that impact how quickly we get the Magic data files updated. First, the data we received the first time was not complete, so we had to wait until this past week for them to get us complete data. More importantly, the data we're now receiving uses a COMPLETELY different format from the way we got it before. This means that we have to write a completely new converter to transform the new data format to the proper format needed by CV - it's NOT just a modification to the existing converter. So it's not something we can do instantly, but we'll do our best to get it done as quickly as practical.

Thanks, Rob

At 12:15 PM 9/2/2005, you wrote:

Just after GenCon, we finally received data for both Saviors and 9th
Edition from Wizards of the Coast. We expect to have data files up for both
sets very soon, and in advance of Ravnica. We expect to be able to get
Ravnica data up on or immediately after the release date, but again that
will be dependent on how soon we can get data from WotC. Our hope is that
now that we've ironed out the kinks with Saviors and 9th, we'll have a
workable standard process that will get information to us and thus to you
in a much more timely fashion.

Thanks for hanging with us on this one. We appreciate your patience, and
your continued support for Card Vault.


At 11:42 AM 9/2/2005, you wrote:

>I would like to know if cardvault will be supporting Saviors of Kamigawa
>and 9th edition any time soon. The next block of cards is about to come
>out this month and now I'm already 2 sets behind in files. My license
>expire this month also, if the new data files are not out by then why
>should I bother tro renew my license? If there is any thing that I could
>do to help please feel free to let me know. I would like atleast a minor
>data file of card name and the basics.
rob is offline   #15 Reply With Quote

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