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Old February 11th, 2021, 02:42 PM
I've recently purchased all the SWADE data packs, downloaded a long list of user files contributed by the community (I can list them if needed/useful but omitting for post brevity). I'm modestly familiar with the editor, more so with M&M and PF due to use.

But my experience with the editor in those games rarely touched on anything to do with scripts, and those few times it did I was able to get by using copy/paste from other examples. TBH all my attempts with the editor in MM/PF have been trial/error/copy/paste, I can't really say I get how these scripts work, it's like trying to learn Russian without a guide (Though I have been experimenting with Zarlor's common code examples).

But this time around, I actually need some programming help from seasoned users as I don't even know how to begin tackling this problem or what section of the guides I should be studying to serve my goals.
  • Choose an Arcane Background:, with a required minimum attribute die rating. (no clue-no fields present to require an Attribute minimum).
  • Have a number of points based on the Attribute specified in the AB above to buy powers with. (no clue)
  • Create a list of allowable powers. (pretty sure I know how to do this part)
  • Gain 2 new power choices each time they advance their required Attribute (no clue)
  • Be able to purchase additional powers without raising their attribute. (think this can default to the New Powers edge?)
  • Create an AB or Edge that doesn't cost the player anything.

Also, I want to house rule an increased number of Edges, but restrict them along the lines of what other game systems rely on a Class system to grant access to (i.e. PC acquires an edge chosen from a restricted list as he advances). I also have no clue how to approach this and would welcome any suggestions to try out.

I know this sounds like I'm asking for someone to actually write all the scripts for me, but I'd rather be pointed at where I can find the appropriate lessons and maybe a couple of examples of what those lessons teach, so that I can compare my understanding of the lesson with someone's use of them. Normally I'd set aside a few weeks for study time, but I'm short on time. Right now, though I read the SW tutorial, I'm being dense and failing to connect the dots as to which sections hold the answers for me.

All that said, if anyone feels inclined to make an example that I could copy and paste, I would not be ungrateful.
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Old February 11th, 2021, 04:16 PM
OK, we can help with most of these.

1. For the AB, the Edge needs something like this:
    <exprreq message="Spirit d8 required."><![CDATA[
      #trait[attrSpi] >= 4
In the Editor you can create an Expr-req. The #trait[attrSpi] >= 4 goes in the Pre-Requisite Expression, and that one's for Spirit of d8. Don't forget the Die Type is Twice the number.

2. Hmmm. Tell me more about this one. Picking up an AB gives the hero starting Powers. Changing that number in relation to the related Attribute shouldn't be a huge problem.

3. You've got this one.

4. The additional Powers aren't related the Attribute normally. #2 would just change the initial Power allotment. Yes, the New Powers Edge can show you how.

5. This one's easy. Set the Advancement Slots in the Edge to 0. Bingo, free Edge.

For the rest, this can likely be dealt with using restrictions on the Edges - They pick up one that defines the "Class" and then the other Edges related to that Class have that initial Edge as a requirement.

Currently In Development: Savage Pathfinder, SWADE Fantasy Companion
Future Development: SWADE Super Powers Companion, SWADE Sci-Fi Companion
Currently Running: Savage Unity Inc. (homebrew multiverse theme)
Setting Files Supported: Deadlands: Reloaded, Flash Gordon, Gaslight, Hellfrost, Interface Zero 2.0, Seven Worlds, Slipstream, Solomon Kane
Future Setting Files: Savage Judge Dredd
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Old February 12th, 2021, 10:23 AM
Hi CapedCrusader, thanks for the assistance

Originally Posted by CapedCrusader View Post

1. 1. For the AB, the Edge needs something like this:
I'm embarrassed to admit despite your instructions being fairly clear, this isn't working as anticipated and I can't say why. I uploaded a set of pics to illustrate and make certain I followed your instructions correctly. The validation error came to haunt my entire installation of HL with SW, whether I selected the file or not. I had to remove the .user file entirely from the data folder and put it someplace else or HL wouldn't load

Originally Posted by CapedCrusader View Post
2. Hmmm. Tell me more about this one. Picking up an AB gives the hero starting Powers. Changing that number in relation to the related Attribute shouldn't be a huge problem.
Ok, this is going to take a little to explain, hopefully this will help the discussion.

I'm attempting to do a Shadowrun conversion and happened to stumble on a write-up wherein the author has magic tied to Spirit rating. The author didn't make mention buying additional powers that were more than one's Spirit rating, but I intend to translate elements from Shadowrun (via Initiation rules) that allow characters to continue advancing their choices. I figured I could let this default to the "Edge: New Powers", but haven't gotten far enough ahead to be able to test my structures yet.

Since it's Shadowrun, cyberware implants are a thing. The author made use of the SciFi Companion's rules for Implants including Strain and the correlation between Magic and Cyber for what you pay is a even match, i.e. enhanced reflexes are the same value/cost whether one is a Physical Adept or has wired reflexes implanted, a symmetry that I personally really like.

Implants impose Strain from the Sci Fi Companion, they would reduce any magic user's powers. Rather than reducing a magic user's Spirit, I figured it should reduce access to their powers, since if the implants are removed, the interference goes away. In addition, I want to create another type of implant of bioware that will also work with these rules, but where the impact on the availability of powers is much less.

So to line all this up, I have to code some considerations;
  1. A magic user starts of with a number of powers equal to his Spirit die. So if he has a Spirit of d8, he starts with 8 powers. If a magic user raises his Spirit die, it grants 2 new powers automatically as if he had bought the New Powers Edge (yes it's a two for one return, but I like the dynamic). I won't require a minimum Spirit rating, since in Shadowrun one could have a Magic Rating less than 6 via the prioritizing of one's stats and the way I intend to reflect his is by allowing players to start at whatever Spirit die they want.
  2. If a magic user gets a cyberware implant, it reduces the number of powers he has available in proportion to the Strain he is acquiring. But if he removes the implant, the powers need to be returned to active use. I need to be able to offer a set of menus where as the magic user acquires strain, he can choose which powers to lose access to, and if he removes the implant(s) can choose which powers are returned.
  3. I'll need to create a new category of Implants that are biological in nature, some synthetic and others cultivated tissues from magical beasts. Not sure how to go about this just yet and its a lower priority for now, but as my skill with the editor increases figure I can suss this out with a bit of guidance here and there.

Originally Posted by CapedCrusader View Post
4. The additional Powers aren't related the Attribute normally. #2 would just change the initial Power allotment. Yes, the New Powers Edge can show you how.
I took a look at the New Powers Edge in the Editor, under Edge's configuration settings the
--Menu #1 "All Picks on Hero"
--Menu #1 Tag Expression = Arcane.? & !Arcane.Arcane & !Skill.? & !Power.? & !Edge.?

I'm assuming that by making the Edges for magic weilders all "Arcane Background: XXX" that the default "New Powers Edge" will play nicely with my custom ABs by default?

Originally Posted by CapedCrusader View Post
For the rest, this can likely be dealt with using restrictions on the Edges - They pick up one that defines the "Class" and then the other Edges related to that Class have that initial Edge as a requirement.
Ok, I was thinking this would likely be how I go about constructing things. I'll followup on this and post some findings as I dig deeper.
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Old February 12th, 2021, 12:30 PM
1. Pictures? Also, you could open the .user file and just post the code for the prereq.
2. I've played Shadowrun. My suggestion might be to have it affect the Power Points available to use to power the spells. The number of Powers wouldn't change. This seems to make more sense to me than Powers disappearing. Also a lot easier to code.
4. The Arcane.? is looking for an Arcane tag on the Edge, not the name. When you set up the Arcane Background this tag should be included automatically.

Currently In Development: Savage Pathfinder, SWADE Fantasy Companion
Future Development: SWADE Super Powers Companion, SWADE Sci-Fi Companion
Currently Running: Savage Unity Inc. (homebrew multiverse theme)
Setting Files Supported: Deadlands: Reloaded, Flash Gordon, Gaslight, Hellfrost, Interface Zero 2.0, Seven Worlds, Slipstream, Solomon Kane
Future Setting Files: Savage Judge Dredd
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Old February 13th, 2021, 12:07 PM
Originally Posted by CapedCrusader View Post
1. Pictures? Also, you could open the .user file and just post the code for the prereq.
2. I've played Shadowrun. My suggestion might be to have it affect the Power Points available to use to power the spells. The number of Powers wouldn't change. This seems to make more sense to me than Powers disappearing. Also a lot easier to code.
4. The Arcane.? is looking for an Arcane tag on the Edge, not the name. When you set up the Arcane Background this tag should be included automatically.
Odd, thought I had uploaded those. It said I had, lets take another stab at it.




As for posting the code from my user file, I can't. I literally had to take that .user file and remove it from my data folder as it was preventing HL from being able to load up. Even when I attempted to load it from it's segregated folder through the editor, it refuses to load. I get a error message that reads "Expected close tag for element 'validate'".

My 3rd picture above was when I was trying to get it to work and changed it from "Warning" to "Validate" which is probably why it keeps bugging out. I thought that's what the script was attempting to make sure of so gave it a try, didn't realize it would fubar the file.

As to your 2nd point, we're running with no Power Points (as fuel- I'll spare you my personal rant about their use of terminology on that issue ), but instead having failed rolls on the skills inflicting Fatigue.

Now that the wiki is up again, I'll start working my way through it to try to figure things out and post only when stuck.
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Old February 14th, 2021, 12:15 AM
Ah, wrong button. Next one up - Expr-req. Then the "#trait[attrSpi] >= 4" goes in the Prerequisite Expression and "Spirit d8 required." goes in the message.

Currently In Development: Savage Pathfinder, SWADE Fantasy Companion
Future Development: SWADE Super Powers Companion, SWADE Sci-Fi Companion
Currently Running: Savage Unity Inc. (homebrew multiverse theme)
Setting Files Supported: Deadlands: Reloaded, Flash Gordon, Gaslight, Hellfrost, Interface Zero 2.0, Seven Worlds, Slipstream, Solomon Kane
Future Setting Files: Savage Judge Dredd

Last edited by CapedCrusader; February 14th, 2021 at 12:18 AM.
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Old February 16th, 2021, 11:54 AM
Originally Posted by CapedCrusader View Post
Ah, wrong button. Next one up - Expr-req. Then the "#trait[attrSpi] >= 4" goes in the Prerequisite Expression and "Spirit d8 required." goes in the message.
Thank you Sir, much appreciated!!! I knew I was being dense about something.
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