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Join Date: Jun 2018
Posts: 83

Old January 29th, 2022, 11:05 AM
I have three different abilities set up, each one has its own ability table that the player can choose from. The first one gives 2 abilities at 6th level, then 1 more at 11th and 1 more at 17th. The second one gives 1 ability at 11th level and 1 more at 17th. The third one gives 1 ability at 17th only. The first and the third ability work fine (although the tab for the third one shows up before it is activated, but that will be a different thread). The second one, although set up identically does not have any of the abilities appearing on the tab. Instead it just gives a popup "Nothing to choose from".

I have set each ability up to bootstrap a configurable that then has the ability table tied to it.

This is the code for the ability:
<thing id="cMonPRElemMast" name="Elemental Master" description="At 11th level, you gain one of the Elemental Master features. You gain an additional option at 17th level.\n\nYou can use these features a combined number of times equal to half your proficiency bonus, as shown in the monk table. You regain all expended uses when you complete a long rest.\n\nWhile you have no remaining uses of this feature, you can instead expend 3 focus points to use it. When you do so, your maximum focus points are reduced by 3 until you complete a long rest." compset="ClSpecial">
    <tag group="Helper" tag="SpecUp" name="SpecUp" abbrev="SpecUp"/>
    <tag group="ChooseSrc1" tag="Thing"/>
    <bootstrap thing="cfgPRElemMast"></bootstrap>
    <eval phase="PostLevel" priority="10000"><![CDATA[    doneif (tagis[Helper.Disable] <> 0)
    doneif (tagis[Helper.FirstCopy] = 0)

~ Set number of modification slots
    field[abValue].value += (field[xCount].value)

~ Allow the modifications slots to be used.
       hero.childfound[cfgPRElemMast].field[cfgMax4].value = field[abValue].value]]></eval>
Here is the code for the configurable it uses:
  <thing id="cfgPRElemMast" name="Elemental Master" description="Helper Thing for Elemental Master features." compset="Configure" uniqueness="unique">
    <fieldval field="cfgAllow4" value="abCategory.ElemMast &amp; !Helper.Obsolete"/>
    <fieldval field="cfgObject4" value="Elemental Master Features"/>
And finally, here is the code for one of the abilities that should be showing up on the selection list:

  <thing id="cMonPREarthSky" name="Earth Reaches for the Sky" description="{i}{b}Prerequisite:{/b} Crushing Hand of the Mountain or Patient Bantha Listens{/i}\n\nAs an action, you can choose a point you can see on the ground within 120 feet. A fountain of churned earth and stone erupts in a 20-foot cube centered on that point. Each creature in that area must make a Dexterity saving throw. A creature takes 3d12 kinetic damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. Additionally, the ground in that area becomes difficult terrain until cleared. Each 5-foot-square portion of the area requires at least 1 minute to clear by hand." compset="CustomSpec" uniqueness="unique">
    <fieldval field="abRange" value="120"/>
    <fieldval field="wDieCount" value="3"/>
    <fieldval field="wDieSize" value="12"/>
    <tag group="abCategory" tag="ElemMaster" name="Monk Elemental Master" abbrev="Monk Elemental Master"/>
    <tag group="AllowRCust" tag="cfgPRElemMast"/>
    <tag group="abDuration" tag="Instant"/>
    <tag group="abRange" tag="Feet"/>
    <tag group="abSave" tag="aDEX"/>
    <tag group="StandardDC" tag="aWIS"/>
    <tag group="Helper" tag="WeaponSpec"/>
    <tag group="abAction" tag="Action"/>
    <tag group="Helper" tag="Quaternary"/>
    <tag group="DamageType" tag="dtPRKinetic"/>
Any thoughts about what I'm missing to make this table populate? Everything looks correct based on the two that work...
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