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Old September 29th, 2017, 05:01 AM
Has anyone experimented with locking down the Arcane Trickster spell list? The rules state that a majority of the spells are supposed to be enchantment or illusion spells, but the community files don't enforce that. I was debating creating my own version, but the best I can think of is to create a custom ability that appears at the correct levels. Anyone else's input would be welcome.

Like at 3rd level
Trickster Spell Ability = 2 dropdowns - both locked to illusion/enchantment.
4th level
Trickster Spells = 1 dropdown locked to illusion/enchantment
7th level
Trickster Spells = 1 dropdown locked to illusion/enchantment
8th level
Option Spell = 1 spell
10th level
Trickster Spell = 1 spell (ill/ench)
11th level
Trickster Spell = 1 spell (ill/ench)

My code for the dropdown (which works), just trying to figure out if I can remove the possibility of duplicates. The script expects abValue to be set to the maximum level of the spell, and if we need to drop down a 2nd choice (which is only valid at 3rd level) it expects abValue2 to be set to 2.

Post-level 10000
doneif (tagis[Helper.ShowSpec] = 0)
doneif (tagis[Helper.Disable] <> 0)

~ Check to see if we add two spells
~ Only valid once for arcane trickster at 3rd level.
if (field[abValue2].value = 2) then
     field[usrCandid2].text ="component.BaseSpell & sClass.cHelpWiz & (sSchool.Enchant  |  sSchool.Illusion) & sLevel.1"

~ Now we expand the spell list to the max levels granted in abValue1
if (field[abValue].value = 0) then
~ make sure that there is an abValue
   field[abValue].value = 1

var looper as number
var addtext as string
looper = 1
addtext = " & ("
while (looper <= field[abValue].value)
    if (looper > 1) then
        addtext &= " | "
    addtext &= "sLevel." & looper 
    looper += 1
addtext &= ")"
field[usrCandid1].text = "component.BaseSpell & sClass.cHelpWiz & (sSchool.Enchant   |  sSchool.Illusion)" & addtext

Last edited by dungeonguru; September 29th, 2017 at 07:09 AM. Reason: added some code for thought
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