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Join Date: Jul 2015
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Posts: 58

Old July 18th, 2015, 09:17 PM
...lessons from which I hope to be able to independently create a whole host of Weapons of Legacy...

So, I've had Hero Labs for a few days. First, unceasing gratitude to Sendric, ShadowChemosh, Lawful_G (Aaron), and the entire host of incredible volunteer programmers who have compiled the d20 Community Content package.

Here's my goal: my DM had created for me and my group weapons of legacy, one each, and now that I'm DM'ing, I'd like to introduce the same concept for my players. The whole balancing thing is an argument for another time, what I'm bogged down on right now is the construction of such an item with the d20 HeroLab Editor.

I'd first started with making custom magic weapons through the New Magic, Custom or Masterwork weapon dialogue in the standard portfolio screen, and was going to add each new effect (and cost) to the weapons as the players levelled up. But, I quickly realised that not every effect is already listed in the Special Ability dialogue, and it appears (so far as I can tell) that the Curses section is just flavouring (text) without functionality.

So, then it occurred to me that perhaps I should simply code the weapons from scratch, using the scripting language to specify the entire gamut of benefits and costs, each tied to its activating level. "Simply". Heh.

Now, both of these approaches will be enormously complicated and time consuming. I'm enough of a completionist to be willing to write all the scripts, but I'd like to get started on this game sooner than a year from now, and so adding abilities and costs on an ad-hoc basis also has its appeal.

Regardless, I need a helping hand at this point. I tried bootstrapping in Magic Missile to a new Item Power in the Editor so that it would be listed in the New Magic, Custom or Masterwork weapon dialogue, but that proved beyond me. And I have yet to find a good guide/dictionary for the scripting language. I've done all this kind of editing before (massive mods for Civ IV and Oblivion), but I need a helping hand to get me started, as my Google-fu sucks (has and always will).

Thanks in advance to anyone willing to help me tackle this...
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