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Old August 23rd, 2016, 05:27 AM
Originally Posted by goddelusion View Post
Long-time lurker who has barely used RW since the KS was delivered. I'm about to start two concurrent campaigns using the same RPG ruleset but different adventure paths (Call of Cthulhu / Masks of Nyarlathotep & A Time To Harvest).

I'd like to create one Realm and input the data for the two campaigns into this 'Cthulhu' Realm so I can access shared resources (NPCs, Critters, locations, etc). My concern is that I know of no way to filter content in the Realm; meaning I'd like to only see the resources/assets that are unique to one or the other campaign or shared between the two in the Realm. Is this possible (filtering content)?

I understand the likely answer is to create two distinct Realms, however, is it possible to export/import content between the two, if I choose to go this route?

Thanks everyone, your feedback is appreciated!
With the question of organization answered, I'm going to address the goal and how to go about it, long-term.

For now, RealmWorks is not prepared to support two separate, concurrent campaigns in one Realm. Long-term, using one Realm would not be the intended way to go about this, either, unless you were planning to run a "shared world" kind of setup. As the revealed state of a bit of information is all-or-none, for example, a creature that is revealed because group "A" encountered it would also be visible to group "B". Separate from the Content Market, per-CHARACTER revealing of information is a long-term feature goal, but there is no timeline for when that will be available.

Short-term, the only way to enter the mechanics once and have them available to both campaigns is to do exactly that, however.

The Content Market is intended to allow re-use of content, whether purchased or your own, in multiple campaigns.

Long-term, once the Content Market is available, the likely scenario would be for the GM to enter the mechanics (Call of Cthulhu in your case) into a Realm just for that, or purchase a Realm with them pre-entered from the Content Market. In addition, Realms to define each campaign/ adventure Story content would be created or purchased. Finally, the GM would create a Realm for each group playing through a campaign, and import both the Mechanics and the one Story content Realm into each.

Now, each campaign has its own set of revealed content, and there is no interaction between them. If they are truly separate campaigns, and not meant to interact at all, then all is good. If they are supposed to be a "shared world" situation, then you would still need to wait for per-character reveal before you would have the ideal state.
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